Recent content by TXBodie

  1. T

    Engine shuts down when steering arms are engaged…

    Well the wife got tired of hearing me curse the sky & came out and crawled her small frame underneath it and of course she discovered the wires going to the brake sensor got all stripped and twisted up together when the belt shredded apart. I clipped them back and reconnected them and she runs...
  2. T

    Engine shuts down when steering arms are engaged…

    I just realized what caused all this mess….a nut had vibrated off one of the battery support rods and the rod sets directly above the pump motor fan and pulley, so when it fell, it fell directly down onto the spinning fan shredding it and then ultimately the belt. This is an obvious design flaw...
  3. T

    Engine shuts down when steering arms are engaged…

    Hey guys, I need some help before my MZ Magnum suffers from an acute case of lead poisoning…. Ok, here it goes. Mower just stops moving while I’m actively mowing. A loud grinding noise is heard right before it rolled to a stop. Look under it and discover the drive belt is shredded so that...