Recent content by TobyU

  1. T

    MTD engine with no compression.

    Cool, upon jumping to the latest I see you found the straw and they're holding the valve open and everything is good to go now. Congratulations. It's a shame you had to take the head off but oh well it still will be a good machine for you.
  2. T

    MTD engine with no compression.

    I haven't read the whole thread but of course the first thing you do is to remove the spark plug and look inside to see if the piston is going up and down.. I haven't seen any of these engines with any internal catastrophic failures but it's always possible. If the piston is going up and down...
  3. T

    Can't Find Tire Leak

    I have found the best way to find a leak is to take the tire off and submerge it into a body of water. When I had my pool, I would often do this even though it looked kind of funny. Regardless, I don't worry about finding the leaks now. I just use some of the green slime the thick stuff in the...
  4. T

    Please help me find this part!

    I haven't read this entire thread but it sounds like you're talking about the evap hose that the wonderful EPA mandated a few years ago which is just a waste of time and money but anyways it goes from the top of the tank and finagles its way to the carburetor and there is a small port on the...
  5. T

    Please help me find this part!

    All you ever need to do to find the right parts for your mower or give the right information is to take a picture of the white sticker which is usually underneath or right to the rear of the seat. The two most important things on that are the model number and the serial number. Now for engine...