Recent content by Tbone0106

  1. T

    Great ethanol warning

    I put no words in your mouth, bub. I quoted your post directly. Three times. My point was that you posted extensively (and factually incorrectly) about population growth in various places. And when I called you out on it, you tried to change the subject to birth rates, which is tenuously...
  2. T

    Great ethanol warning

    I know a guy whose job it is to go around the county and test pump gas (E10) for ethanol content. (The legal maximum is 10%, but it may contain less than that.) How does he do it? Simple! He adds a measured volume of water to a measured volume of E10, shakes it up for a minute or two, and places...
  3. T

    Great ethanol warning

    Oh boy! If you think the UN doesn't have a 'strong political agenda,' I have a nice shiny bridge I'd like to sell you, along with some oceanfront property in Oklahoma. I got my numbers from and several other sources. I'm not a big fan of Fakebook. In your earlier post, you didn't...
  4. T

    Great ethanol warning

    Not sure where you're getting your numbers..... China, despite its unenforceable one-child policy, has positive population growth. So does South Korea; nobody knows about North Korea, because they don't share that sort of information. Japan slipped into population decline years ago. US...
  5. T

    Great ethanol warning

    I remember that. The commodity price of corn futures nearly tripled too, causing farmers to shift cropland into corn and away from things like soybeans and wheat, and that shift drove up the prices of those crops at the same time. So the folks in Mexico are hungry, and everybody in the US gets...
  6. T

    Great ethanol warning

    For perspective, I read not long ago that if all the corn grown in the US that ends up in our fuel tanks was planted in a single unbroken cornfield, the field would be larger than the entire state of Connecticut. More than 40% of all the field corn grown in the US is converted into ethanol. A...
  7. T

    Great ethanol warning

    The tariffs the US has placed on ethanol were designed specifically to keep ethanol made from sugarcane (or switchgrass, etc.) out of the country, and to make sure corn was the only feedstock available. Tariffs are just one of the fun ways government makes everything more expensive for everybody.
  8. T

    Great ethanol warning

    It's just hard not to see it as some sort of weird - and VERY costly - make-work project imposed by a completely inept government. If the earliest election primaries hadn't historically taken place in Iowa, I seriously wonder if corn-based ethanol (an astoundingly stupid and expensive additive)...
  9. T

    Great ethanol warning

    We can argue about what the crap in the carb is, but the essential point is that it doesn't belong there. Ethanol doesn't belong there. Water doesn't belong there. Fuel grade ethanol also contains methanol, which doesn't belong there. (Methanol -- the stuff in Sterno -- is shipped in and blended...
  10. T

    Great ethanol warning

    Of course, you can always make your own ethanol-free gas.....
  11. T

    Great ethanol warning

    Of course, there's no substitute for running 'em dry before you put 'em up for the season. But I have never been able to fathom a non-political reason to put corn likker in our gasoline. It takes a LOT more (mostly fossil-fueled) energy to make a gallon of the stuff than we can ever get out of it.
  12. T

    Baffling engine issue - runs for 6 minutes, dies, but then starts right back up

    I'm not sure what you want a picture of. What I did to fix the problem is all inside the fuel tank, and it would be pretty tricky for me to get pictures of that. The 90-degree elbow I'm talking about is plain brass, without a shutoff valve. It is mounted in a rubber grommet in the top of the...
  13. T

    Great ethanol warning

    If the engine is run on a daily or weekly basis, there aren't usually problems. But then there are things like snowmobiles, snowblowers, rototillers, chainsaws, etc. that are often used once or twice a year, or sometimes not for two or three years. There is no escaping the fact that ethanol is...
  14. T

    Great ethanol warning

    Exactly. Ethanol is the lifeblood of a mower shop.