Recent content by Stokdgs

  1. S

    California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws

    Agree 100%.. Gas Powered chain saws = the only way to get the job done... I have cut huge trees in the Tahoe National Forest for decades, that the loggers left for whatever reason.. No way any electrical thingy would even make it - and they probably only have a little 12 inch bar or something...
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    California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws

    No offense taken.. We, the normal people in CA did not elect this nephew of the even more evil Nancy Pelosi.. We, the normal here, got over 1 million signatures to recall this idiot and somehow he still kept the job.. People I know personally went to vote that day and were told " You have...
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    California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws

    PTmowerMech ------- I know exactly where you were ! The company I worked for shipped zillions of lbs of fruit and vegetables from Watsonville and Gilroy.. Gilroy may still be the lettuce capital of the world, I believe.. Watsonville had a lot of great Strawberries and Bartlett Pears we shipped...
  4. S

    California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws

    Does anyone think that if all the States in this Republic ever adopted the strictest emission rules of California, and perhaps a few other countries did the same, that this Little, Tiny, blip of kind of cleaner air, is going to make ANY difference, when the Rest of The World is hard at work...
  5. S

    California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws

    No, the voters did not want this.. Over 1 million voters signed the petition to recall that idiot Nuisance/Newsom.. But the election turned out to be jacked again... People went to cast their vote and were told "they had already voted".. Sound fair to you?? Here's what I think about CA where I...
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    Briggs Vanguard 23hp Leaking Oil through Breather Tube

    Snapper Owner - Have offered many times, prayers of Faith for you and yours.. And will continue to do this.. Just want you to know that all your posts, especially all your pictures, were probably the best I have ever seen on this Forum ! Thank you for going to that much detail and work.. Have...
  7. S

    California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws

    Wait ! Electricity and Water = not a good mix.. :) Fix the Seals ! Fix the Seals, Frank !!! Don't you go out there to fight that fire without them!!! :)
  8. S

    Probably asked a million times already -- weed control and grasses

    My experiences with Bermuda grasses in Texas and California, is that it will die back to looking dead in winter and will come back with a vengeance in summer or when the soil heats up... It needs fertilizer and water to do it's best... I personally don't like it because it is very invasive, has...
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    Briggs Vanguard 23hp Leaking Oil through Breather Tube

    Snapper Owner, You, your Sweetheart, and your Family are All in my prayers of Faith...
  10. S

    California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws

    No, it's not pot smoking and sunshine... I met the absolute nicest, kindest, hardest working people that were called "Hippies" in the day, and they were not brain dead by any means.. Now to be sure, that was some 50+ years ago.... So, the people here today perhaps doing bad stuff are not even...
  11. S

    California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws

    I came here to NorCal in 1969, the weekend of Woodstock, via the U.S.A.F. It was quite lovely then in Northern CA, and still would be if the idiots did not let the Homeless have more rights than the Homeowners today.. California pretty much the entire state has always been the grower of more...