Recent content by Skippydiesel

  1. S

    Gradually Overheating?

    No! A rich fuel air mixture will cool the engine. It will also carbon/soot up the plug(s). One of the most common causes of a hot/cold engine indication, is a faulty thermocouple/sensor. As you have two (engine/transmission) is it possible to swap them around and see if they are consistent in...
  2. S

    Gradually Overheating?

    In my very limited experience overheating is usually: Lack of cooling - As this is an aircooled engine, something restricting air flow. Running lean - carburettor not delivering the correct amount of fuel for the air : fuel ratio - something restricting fuel flow - "gunked" up jet or similar
  3. S

    Gradually Overheating?

    I would suggest that the transmission oil temperature is low and the engine is now about right. In general - oils are engineered to be most efficient in the 95 -110 C continuous range and suffer no ill effects if they peak, for a short time, up to 130C. The rise in engine oil temperature could...
  4. S


    When you purchase an engine/mower manufactures oil, you are not just getting any old oil. As with all OM part, you are getting a degree of quality assurance that the equipment manufacturer must stand by. The assurance, branding & marketing cost money. The manufactures naturally seeks to...
  5. S


    Do you mean ZDDP - Zinc in oil?
  6. S

    Turn uphill or downhill on ZTS?

    Not suggesting you are pushing/exploring the limits MMM, just pointing out a, well documented, feature of human behaviour (particularly common in the male of the species). Without visiting your "block" no one, other than yourself, can make judgement calls on safety - I just hoped to expand...
  7. S

    Turn uphill or downhill on ZTS?

    In my, limited, experience mowers of the; Mini tractor configuration, tend towards having a quite narrow track (until you get the the real tractors ) which of course makes them less stable on slopes. Zero turn more often have a wide track, however the castering front wheels also tend towards...
  8. S


    Please to meet you. I am a agriculturist, jake-of-all-trades-master of none. My first ride on, named "Wallace & Gromit" (W&G) with a B&S 14hp, homemade Armstrong starter (12v one RS), driving a manual gearbox and a slasher style cutter deck. She was a hybrid, made out of three mowers, gifted to...