Recent content by sgkent

  1. sgkent

    blade brake glue

    I get different part numbers when I look at the fiche 094049E701MA 094047E701MA...
  2. sgkent

    Clutch Drum

    did you look on ebay? I saw a couple there
  3. sgkent

    blade brake glue

    what is the part number or photo of it etc
  4. sgkent

    Actual Manufacture Date of this MTD Battery???

    What happens if you stop some day in the middle of the mowing for five minutes and it doesn't have enough to kick it over - "now what do I do, push it home? It's 100F outside." Generally Lead Acid batteries are good for 4 to 5 years max, the average is 3 - 4. Starters can draw more current and...
  5. sgkent

    Actual Manufacture Date of this MTD Battery???

    it is at least 8 years old. replace it.
  6. sgkent

    B&S seized 5.0 on push mower

    i'd be spraying a couple squirts of penetrating oil thru the spark plug hole down the cylinder walls because it sounds like the piston rings were rusted to the cylinder. Running that without some lubrication will only tear up the rings.
  7. sgkent

    This new blue-rye sod has Poa Pratensis and looks like infested Annual Bluegrass contamination.

    call the people who provided you the sod to see if they have any suggestions. If some Canadian goose flew over it and took a dump from 4,000', they will have the same issue from more than one person.
  8. sgkent

    B&S seized 5.0 on push mower

    what has already been said and, when was the last time it ran, and where has it been sitting since then? Is this a new mower to you? What is the history of maintenance on it?
  9. sgkent

    Where to purchase a new central bolt for a Honda HRR216VKA blades? Links please!

    so you sheared the bolt and the key. No way is that crankshaft not tweaked as a bend or twist. The key flat side usually goes into the crankshaft. Make sure the sparkplug wire is out when you work on it. Torque the bolt to specs. Then make note where one end of the blade is close to the edge of...
  10. sgkent

    Wanting to Grind up some leaves

    I do mine in the fall :)
  11. sgkent

    material to stop oven squeak

    If alum foil works go with it. I was going to suggest silicone fabric or sheet. It is good to 500F.
  12. sgkent

    New sod being installed next week. Can/Should a pre-emergent be applied?

    annual blue grass is easy to get rid of. Took me years to believe that but it is. You can use POA Constrictor this time of year, and then late next year just as it starts to cool down, put down a pre-emergent. POA is a cool season and spring grass. It slows or dies in hot weather. Bag your...
  13. sgkent

    Intake air screen removal

    You say "Hex head." Is it Torx, Allen, or Star? Look closely and Google them if that means nothing to you. You need the right one for whatever kind of bolt it is.
  14. sgkent

    TB-30R (2020) oil change plug cross threaded 🤬

    that is messed up. Take the drain plug to your flaps and ask them for a thread chaser that size. Frankly I think you are looking at a helicoil or threadcert. You may not have cross threaded it, just way over tightened it until it stripped,