Recent content by sgkent

  1. sgkent

    Where to purchase a new central bolt for a Honda HRR216VKA blades? Links please!

    I suspect that it did more than shear the bolt that holds the blades on. It likely bent the crankshaft, certainly damaged the blade. You need the series number to look up the correct part. K4, K5, K6, K7, K8 etc. Look up the full serial number. The K8 for example uses an upper and lower blade...
  2. sgkent

    2 stroke longevity - how many hours

    totally depends on how an engine is used and cared for.
  3. sgkent

    Hard starting Tecumseh

    takes 3 things to make an internal combustion engine run - fuel and air, spark at the right time, and compression. One or more is missing or poor. 1. Try spraying a little Berrymans carb spray, like pssst pssst, into the carb. Try to start it. If it starts right up and dies (or keeps going)...
  4. sgkent

    Champion genset starts and runs with battery, but not with recoil start

    does it have too much compression to pull over by hand, or is it one that you pull and pull and pull but it never starts? How old is the fuel?
  5. sgkent

    Broken Con Rod 44N677

    My two cents is that when an engine breaks a rod, parts fly around and break other things. To know what is broken you must take it apart. Then if you hand a basket of parts back to the owner they say but I gave it to you assembled. Sometimes you are lucky and maybe only $300 or $400 in parts...
  6. sgkent

    Husqvarna Z248F belt problems..

    if you are a dealer call tech support.
  7. sgkent

    Dewalt Generator

    I'll lay odds that if you plug in a CO detector or a battery powered one it will trip too. You need to vent the exhaust gasses far enough from the shed that they can't be sucked back into the shed.
  8. sgkent

    Forced to close the shop.

    :) I prefer to talk lawnmowers. They are easier to understand.
  9. sgkent

    Forced to close the shop.

    Get help before the depression and anger kills you. If you are trying to kill the forum, you are doing a good job of it with your anger.
  10. sgkent

    Forced to close the shop.

    some people have good days, Others never have a good day. I guess your news service has not told you that USPS is accepting packages from both China and Hong Kong. Taiwan was never affected. Temu, Shein, Amazon are all shipping to consumers from China too. The packaging was only suspended for...
  11. sgkent

    Looking for Piston Rings Part 36078

    there are factory catalogs of rings. They have diameter, thickness, type, tensile strength - all sorts of things. I had to match a set of no longer available Ferrari Dino rings once. Turned out a set of dodge racing rings were .001 thicker, same depth and the same diameter. The ring lands were...
  12. sgkent

    Predator 9500 Generator backfires like a shotgun on shutdown

    duplicate thread
  13. sgkent

    Predator 9500 Generator backfiring on shutdown.

    the ignition coil has a grounding wire (kill wire) attached to it so once it is turned off it has no spark. If that is intermittent due to corrosion at the coil if a spade lug, or at the kill switch then it can ignite the mixture again even though it is turned off. If the exhaust is full of...