Recent content by sgkent

  1. sgkent

    Well get ready for major price increases

    gas is $5+ a gallon here and you are lucky things went different in the election. If it has gone the other way you would not have gas lawn equipment to service or sell. That is what is happening here in our wonderful Communist State of California. A good friend just threw away two nice expensive...
  2. sgkent

    Blower Purchase decision

    the first question should be what are you blowing? If you are blowing leaves that fall from the trees this time of the year, on an acre, then it will sit the rest of the year that is one situation. Another situation is general lansdcape - is this an all year thing? 30 minutes a week x 52 weeks...
  3. sgkent

    Microsoft stopping support to Windows 10 today

    The only complaint I have with the Linux series is one of my clients uses AutoCad in their business (surveying) and Autodesk does not support it on Linux systems (although they do support it on Apple systems).
  4. sgkent

    How to free up stuck piston on toro 21" front wheel drive mower

    pull the spark plug and make sure that the issue is not fluid in the cylinder. If it still does not move, use some wd-40 and PB Blaster in it, enough to soak around the edge of the piston, and let it sit a couple days. Once it does turn, you'll need to get a bore camera in thru the spark plug...
  5. sgkent

    front tine rototiller with power reverse

    Yes. Seems the biggest complaint is many of this model get damaged in shipment due to their weight (appx 120 lbs), and there is disappointment with that when they show up with broken and dented parts, missing pieces from the box being torn. I had an aluminum engine case a few years back that...
  6. sgkent

    front tine rototiller with power reverse

    totally understandable. Honest people in general are tired of the cons getting away with it, and then honest people being treated like thieves.
  7. sgkent

    front tine rototiller with power reverse

    I have decided to wait until after the winter rains are dumping on us to see what comes up for sale locally then. Right now I don't want to risk ordering something that comes in a cardboard box from China that weighs 120 lbs. Too many delivery drivers just dump them and drive on. I had another...
  8. sgkent

    Microsoft stopping support to Windows 10 today
  9. sgkent

    front tine rototiller with power reverse

    Sold my old 1990's Craftsman (MTD) about 5 years ago. Used it in roughly 25 x 15 garden. Thought we would not need to till again but after five years of no till, and using mulches etc., the ground is getting very hard to work with unless it is soaked. A lot a clay. It has 30+ years of...
  10. sgkent

    Microsoft stopping support to Windows 10 today

    I believe that in reading up on this the last few months, current stats show that W10 installs make up almost 50% of the computers being used, with W11 being about 30%. Many people believe that Microsoft was trying to force people to upgrade at a huge cost and people are saying no, just like how...