Recent content by Rob47

  1. Rob47

    PARTS SEARCH >> EATON 851 Hydro-drive

    Thanks for responding to my post. Because of the rarity of parts new or used, I am thinking I might sell the mower in running condition before it develops problems and becomes scrap. That would be a hard pill to swallow since I have had it for years and like how it works where I do contract...
  2. Rob47

    PARTS SEARCH >> EATON 851 Hydro-drive

    That link did not work
  3. Rob47

    Eaton Hydro-static trans-axle issues

    I do realize this is a relic >>> however stranger things have happened when it comes to NOS parts that have hibernated on someone's shelf for 30 years covered in dust. I saw that when I renovated a 1957 Hemi Imperial that needed a rear brake hose to the diff. Napa had it on the shelf covered in...
  4. Rob47

    Eaton Hydro-static trans-axle issues

    I need parts for this Eaton 851 hydrostatic transmission. I know Eaton has not supplied parts for a few years. Looking for NOS if available anywhere. THANKS HEAPS !
  5. Rob47

    Eaton Hydro-static trans-axle issues

    Please review this link and share your ideas about what I might do. This was a private message to bertsmobile. My hope is that the link will take you to the conversation about the Ferris...
  6. Rob47

    PARTS SEARCH >> EATON 851 Hydro-drive

    Ferris Guys, 7 years have gone by since I was posting here. In the meantime I found a new center section Hydro-trans and was able to shelf this old one. Now that new one has developed problems where it will hardly go up a slight incline - making a growling noise in the process and doing it slow...
  7. Rob47


    Hi Kohler mechanics; The Craftsman mower has sat in the barn for a few weeks. Went to start it today and found there was no spark. Since this has not happened before I suspect it was brought on by the cold snap we had here last night >> mid 20's. The coil is suspect since it can also be...
  8. Bar tack welded

    Bar tack welded

  9. Mig welding

    Mig welding

  10. Welding


  11. Finished and painted

    Finished and painted

  12. bar removed

    bar removed

  13. bar removed

    bar removed

  14. Deep pitted rust

    Deep pitted rust

  15. Needle scaler

    Needle scaler
