Recent content by Rivets

  1. R

    Bad Boy outlaw 36hp engine voltage regulator wiring

    Provide us with model and serial numbers so we can identify which unit you have. The good techs on this site hate guessing.
  2. R

    Honda break in

    5 hours, then use whatever oil you would like to use.
  3. R

    Intake air screen removal

    I have found that sometimes using a torx wrench will grab. Not best way to do it, but sometimes you need to think out of the box.
  4. R

    T1200 won't crank... help please!!

    When I run into a unit like yours I remove the battery and then I use jumper cables to reattach the battery wires to the battery terminals. This allows me to access the solenoid for testing. Second, if you are not getting voltage past the solenoid you won’t have voltage to activate the fuel...
  5. R

    Honda break in

    Change after 5 hours and you’re ready to go for the season. Today’s valves and rings on small engines don’t need multiple changes for breakin. Save your $$$$, oils going to get expensive.
  6. R

    T1200 won't crank... help please!!

    First thing I would be checking are the battery terminals for cleanliness and tightness. Second would be the ground to chassis connection, clean and tightness. Here is the troubleshooting procedure I use. Electrical problems can be very easy or very difficult, depending on four things. 1...
  7. R

    B & S 18 hp engine surging and popping.

    Before digging deeper into the possible causes, I would check the valve clearances on all valves. It does sound like a fuel issue, but let’s look at the easy things first.
  8. R

    Toro Super Recycler carburetor issue

    This site has the carb you will need, but I recommend a little more research before spending $$$ on it. I’ve seen this many times and most often I’ve found the a good carb cleaning and replacing the float needle and seat solves the problem...
  9. R

    Toro Super Recycler carburetor issue

    Please give us the model and serial numbers off the silver tag on the rear of the engine If this site doesn’t help you.
  10. R

    Tec AV520 no spark

    West of Lake Michigan, east of the Mississippi River, south of Lake Superior and north or the noisy state. Sorry that’s as close as you get. Got to keep some things quiet.
  11. R

    New old mower second life rebuild

    This manual may help you out.
  12. R

    Hard starting Tecumseh

    Ok, now that I know which engine you have, I’ve got two suggestions for the to try. First, as stated you should check to see if the choke plate on both carbs are fully closing. If not you need to adjust the throttle control. Second, I would be checking and adjusting the valve clearances on...
  13. R

    Murray Model 621500x4NA - what should the spark plug read for testing?

    I’ve been working on engines for over 50 years and have never heard of an accurate way to test spark plugs with a multimeter. If I think a plug might be bad I just change it.
  14. R

    Tec AV520 no spark

    Ok, now I feel like a fool, because I ASSUMED what was posted was the truth. Another DIY got me to fall for the switch and bait trick. Looking back I should have realized that things weren’t really as posted. Clue was when he stated timing doesn’t affect spark, good mechanic would know...
  15. R

    Tec AV520 no spark

    I’ve gone to my archives and there are a couple of things you should know about the AV520 engines. First, the AV520 engine was only built as a 3hp engine in 1975&1976, before and after that they were 3.5hp. Second, they were made as an outboard engine, Eske manufacturing was the primary user...
  16. R

    JS S100 Engine Running High RPMs

    Sounds like you need to adjust the governor. This manual explains how.
  17. R

    Tec AV520 no spark

    You must understand the relationship between the points, condenser, and coil which most work together to produce voltage to cause a spark plug to fir. Timing on the Tecumseh engines with the magneto and points mounted under the flywheel will affect spark. Incorrect timing on a small engine...
  18. R

    Tec AV520 no spark

    You are assuming that the old points gap was the same as what the new points gap is set at. We’re talking thousands of an inch which is very critical. I’ve seen Tecumseh engines run at point gaps ranging from .016“-.022”, depending on how the timing was set. Also, your condenser may be bad...
  19. R

    ALKO solo Cutting blades cutting out when running at high revs fine at low revs.

    Sounds like you have a coil which has either a hot short or hot open condition. Next time it happens immediately check for spark.
  20. R

    Tec AV520 no spark

    Not going to get into an argument how the old Tecumseh ignition systems work. Bye.
  21. R

    Tec AV520 no spark

    Sorry, but you are wrong. The cam may be keyed, but the timing is adjusted by moving the magneto assembly. Trust me, I grew up with these engines.
  22. R

    Tec AV520 no spark

    Sounds to me like your timing is not correct. This will happen if you removed the magneto assembly. Timing these ignition systems is not easy unless you have the proper dial indicator. It can be done without the indicator if you have experience in how the indicator is doing its job, but does...
  23. R

    Briggs v-twin wont stay running

    Only if your fuel line is not blocked.
  24. R

    Static Governor Adjustment for B&S 20 HP V2

    You hold the governor to throttle linkage to fully open the throttle by hand, not using the throttle control. Then you adjust the static governor.
  25. R

    No more income taxes for 4 years

    Careful, now this is getting into politics. Not allowed, as you know.
  26. R

    Briggs v-twin wont stay running

    Boy I didn’t think these were hard questions, but you only answered two of them and that doesn’t offer me a lot of help. Can you answer them all in more depth? If not I can’t be of much help.
  27. R

    Stihl HS74 fuel tank rotten

    Your best bet is to start contacting all Stihl authorized service dealers in you area.and see if they have a used one in their used parts.
  28. R

    Toro Titan MyRide 60 inch no start

    Maybe one of these service manuals will help you out.
  29. R

    Toro Titan MyRide 60 inch no start

    Please provide us with the units model and serial numbers so we can figure out which engine you have. ID tag under the seat.
  30. R

    Briggs v-twin wont stay running

    You will have to give us a lot more information before we can provide you any help. We hate making guesses when we don’t have good information. Please provide us with the following. 1. We need all engine numbers, model, type and code. 2. How long has this been going on? 3. Has the unit been...
  31. R

    lawn boy 10515 drive wheel problem

    On this model two things will cause lockup when pulling backwards, belt too tight or clutch washer and key installied wrong.
  32. R

    lawn boy 10515 drive wheel problem

    These are the best pictures I could find.
  33. R

    Champion genset starts and runs with battery, but not with recoil start

    It has been proven the magnetic field flux is not affected by rust.
  34. R

    Hard starting Tecumseh

    Need to know if you have any old 18 hp cast iron engine or a newer OHV engine. Please post all engine numbers or a pic of the engine ID tag.
  35. R

    Dies in 20 minutes CC30 H

    If you would have done what I suggested in post #6 we would have known if it was a coil or not. You may have saved a lot of time and money.
  36. R

    Broken Con Rod 44N677

    Even if you could get parts, I would be very careful about fixing it, unless it is not major. As stated you need to tear into it and find and verify the cause. If you need to replace one piston, rod, head, etc. it is best to replace both on a twin. This is major. Second, most techs only...
  37. R

    Husqvarna Z248F belt problems..

    Causes for continued belt breaking. In no specific order. 1. Wrong size belt. 2. Belt not routed properly. 3. Incorrect belt tension. 4. Bad tension arm. 5. Pulleys not aligned properly. 6. Debris getting caught in between pulleys and belt. 7. Bad spindle bearings. 8. Loose spindle...
  38. R

    Dies in 20 minutes CC30 H

    Glad to hear you got it running, but we’ll never know the cause of the problem, as you just replaced parts until the problem was solved. That won’t help others in the future..
  39. R


    That’s why I asked, as I’ve never seen one an engine over 8 HP.
  40. R


    Are you sure it has one?
  41. R

    Where to buy OEM belts. I have a Troybilt TB 30 mower, model #13B726JD 023.

    No, 90% of the time I will use OEM belts. Only use aftermarket belts when I’m in a pinch. NAPA sells 90% of its belts for automotive use and wouldn’t survive if it relies of belts used in the small engine world.
  42. R

    Where to buy OEM belts. I have a Troybilt TB 30 mower, model #13B726JD 023.

    Then you’ve never had to warranty your work. I learned a long time ago, I don’t want to do a job twice trying to save a buck or two. My rep means more to me and customers keep coming back.
  43. R

    Where to buy OEM belts. I have a Troybilt TB 30 mower, model #13B726JD 023.

    Only way you get better belts is if you take a lot of time to identify the belt material and size. Experience has taught me to NEVER believe what the guy behind the counter says about their belts, at an auto parts store. Most don’t know the difference between blinker fluid and bacon grease.
  44. R

    Don't shoot the messenger...

    I’ve gotten to the point that I now give each customer a soft estimate when they come in. Most of my customers say “Do what you have to, if more call first”. 95% are repeat, and 5% referred so they know how I work. Last time I had a idiot was over a year ago. Parts are parts, we can’t control...
  45. R

    Don't shoot the messenger...

    Scrub, I agree with you, but have seen some posts that are far worse and nothing was done, even when I point it out. As long as we keep the entire playing field even, I’ve got no complaints. Just about any subject that deals with the government is political, it’s a very fine line.
  46. R

    Swisher Mowers 1960s

    I’ve been working on mowers for over 60 years and have never seen or heard of 3 wheeled Swisher push mower. Hope someone can help you out, as I’m never too old to learn something new.
  47. R

    Don't shoot the messenger...

    Attachment won’t open!