Recent content by RevB

  1. R

    Tec AV520 no spark

    For about $15 -20 you can eliminate the points and condenser and go electronic. I've done this to several two stroke saws and other two stroke equipment. All ran much better with a visibly brighter spark than points due to the nature of the sharp break in the circuit that collapses the magnetic...
  2. R

    Sharpening Blades

    I think you got a lot of advice about how to sharpen so I'll take the root cause question you asked. The Brinnell hardness of the steel used these days is far lower than the blades from years ago primarily because of some mistaken belief that a 19000 ft per minute tip speed, softer blade, won't...
  3. R

    ZT48 XL Single click when starting

    Pretty nice parts cannon ya got there.
  4. R

    Champion genset starts and runs with battery, but not with recoil start

    Pull spark plug, squirt about 2cc of gasoline in the hole, put plug in, apply choke, closed to 1/8th throtte, and pull. Should fire right up. If it does that it's capable of being started by cord. Now you just modify your procedure next time. Don't pull the plug just apply choke, throttle, and...
  5. R

    Gradually Overheating?

    If this is a full pressure Vanguard..... There are adapters and coolers but at this stage you're not anywhere near too hot for an air cooled. 250F is generally max for conventional oils and synthetics will take that up a bit more, but not much. Beyond...
  6. R

    Briggs 16 HP I/C

    90 is just fine. Unless you're blowing out copius amounts of smoke and using oil like crazy. a lot of Continental piston aircraft engines the absolute minimum is 40lb, not the differential testers 40. Combustion pressures will push the rings into the cylinder wall and you'll have a...