Recent content by PTmowerMech

  1. PTmowerMech

    Farewell to a Legend @Startech

    @StarTech has helped me out so many times. The OP scared me, I thought something had happened to him, other than just not posting.
  2. PTmowerMech


    Gamers, when the word comes up, makes some think of a pimple faced, overweight 20+ yr old still living with his parents because he's so addicted to video games, he doesn't know how to function in society. But after retirement, it can take on a whole new meaning. I started playing video games...
  3. PTmowerMech

    Mower Humor

  4. PTmowerMech

    133412 0059 01 coil going out

    Have you ever had that happen between two teeth? It's quite the challenge.
  5. PTmowerMech

    133412 0059 01 coil going out

    It doesn't have an oil sensor on it. From him, yesterday. "Update: after we talked Wed..& chipper would not restart. Thurs I took carb off again and cleaned again...wire, carb spray, and air....also changed oil. Put back start. Left it and went to Texarkana..back...
  6. PTmowerMech

    Does anyone have Starlink?

    I've heard the same thing about them, from a LOT of people.
  7. PTmowerMech

    Does anyone have Starlink?

    I'm not sure what was going on. But I connected my PC and PS5router with the ethernet cable, and it jumped up to the 100's mbps. My internet life is good now. Funny thing, I just got a bill from my last DSL ISP. It was $190. This is the 2nd time they've sent me this, after I disconnect it...
  8. PTmowerMech

    Moving, been here for almost 30 years.

    It's the way of the world now days. My son, in his mid 20's. Great job that pays well. Just helped his g/f of about 3 years finish college. While she was going, he paid for just about everything. Including the expenses of her young daughter. 6 months after she graduated, and get's a...
  9. PTmowerMech

    saw this on the FB world
  10. PTmowerMech

    133412 0059 01 coil going out

    I finally told him to either bring it to me, or sell it. If it sits for a while, (I don't know how long, because he leaves it for a couple days then takes another stab at it), it'll crank and run fine. When he shuts it off, and tries to restart it, he get's nothing. Even with starter fluid...
  11. PTmowerMech

    133412 0059 01 coil going out

    Something to do with the kill switch, maybe? Or one of those wires?
  12. PTmowerMech

    133412 0059 01 coil going out

    It's not electric start.
  13. PTmowerMech

    133412 0059 01 coil going out

    Wood chipper, sight unseen. Just talking to a friend who lives over an hour away. Discussing this over the phone. He pulled it out of storage and ran it for a while. Said he changed the plug (RJ19LM) removed the tank and cleaned out. Put it back on with fresh gas and fired it up. Said he...