Recent content by Old_Paint

  1. O

    weak spark

    Getting zapped through the boot says that spark may be better than you thought, but could also be ‘leaking’ to ground if the plug wire is chafed somewhere. That’s not likely with a new coil and wire assembly though unless you were less than gentle with installing it. It also says the plug may...
  2. O

    Predator 9500 Generator backfiring on shutdown.

    I took a Vocational Agriculture class in high school. The instructor worked out a deal with some of the local small engine shops to supply parts and engines for teaching, both 4-stroke and 2-stroke engines. Back then 2-strokes were pretty much exclusively used for chain saws. He kept a bunch of...
  3. O

    Predator 9500 Generator backfiring on shutdown.

    Yup, I know exactly where it shuts off the fuel. And I meant exactly what you pointed out, that the float valve often swells and fails and hydrolocks small engines that are stored for long periods. The solenoid valve on my Intek 22HP is actually the main jet and solenoid valve all rolled up...
  4. O

    Predator 9500 Generator backfiring on shutdown.

    Yeah, that would probably drive me insane. What's the point of electric start if it can't recharge itself without additional electronics? I think I would be very likely to get the parts and fix that issue. I'd also be very likely to replace that solenoid valve with one that operates...
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    Predator 9500 Generator backfiring on shutdown.

    Here's your diagram, or at least a Chinesium version. It says for 7 KW, but I doubt seriously there's any difference in the wiring of a 9.5 KW. It's a pretty cheesy drawing, but now it makes what you described a little more recognizable. Still makes no sense, but I can see what you say now...
  6. O

    Predator 9500 Generator backfiring on shutdown.

    That was probably a bore scope, not oscilloscope. Totally different animal. O-scope is for analyzing electrical signals, much like a volt-ohmmeter, but with a screen to display the waveform of the signal. Extremely handy when troubleshooting electronic devices, but about as useful as a screen...
  7. O

    Predator 9500 Generator backfires like a shotgun on shutdown

    If you put the meter in series, you better be looking for current, not voltage. A parallel connection(solenoid terminal to ground) is needed for voltage if you also expect the solenoid to operate. Backfire is usually caused by a rich exhaust mix in a hot exhaust pipe or muffler when fresh air...