Old Gweilo's latest activity

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    Old Gweilo reacted to BudTugley's post in the thread Oils with Like Like.
    rickss69. I didn't read anywhere close to all 80 billion words in the link you sent. It seems to focus mostly on watercooled engines...
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    Old Gweilo reacted to BudTugley's post in the thread Oils with Like Like.
    My Go To small engine oil is Kawasaki's K-Tec 15w50 which is fully synthetic, high zinc (SL rated).
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    Old Gweilo replied to the thread Oils.
    "Motorcycles (or any engine) with integrated gear box or using the same oil in gearbox as crankcase should, in general , not use...
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    Old Gweilo replied to the thread Oils.
    Good catch on the "Gweilo" term. During my 25 years working in SEA I picked up on the term, and its implications. I'm obviously not...
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    Old Gweilo replied to the thread Oils.
    Excellent post !! 👍 May I add that automotive multi-grade oils are formulated to spec within a 40 deg C to 100 deg C temp range, (...
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    Old Gweilo reacted to BudTugley's post in the thread Oils with Like Like.
    On the oil recommendations chart it says use API: SF, SG, SH, SJ or SL. That is the same thing as saying use high Zinc oil, because when...
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    Old Gweilo replied to the thread Oils.
    "Zinc seems to be a relatively recent innovation",,,,, Actually, Zinc was a common package component in most motor oils back in the...
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    Old Gweilo reacted to shurguywutt's post in the thread Oils with Like Like.
    I like a 5w-40 synthetic or synthetic blend. I was using a 30w but found it was harder to start especially when I got cooler weather...
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    Old Gweilo replied to the thread Oils.
    On the topic of synthetics, yes they are better. That said if you can only justify paying synthetics prices by extending change...
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    Old Gweilo replied to the thread Oils.
    Don’t under rate the zinc recommendation. My HD manual recommends their Motorcycle oil or if that isn’t available a suitable weight oil...
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    Hi All Purchased an Apex 60 in October. I have yet to use it in anger. Its a LOT more machine than I need but was the only one in stock...
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    Just purchased a ZTHD 44 with less than 6 hours. Already found some help on here, hope to be able to help others in the future.