Recent content by MParr

  1. M

    Nikki carburetor 2019 Kawasaki Mule SX KAF400

    Come on, tell the truth. 😅
  2. M

    Nikki carburetor 2019 Kawasaki Mule SX KAF400

    I figured that had better move swiftly on the carburetor replacement. Over the past few mornings I have noticed raw gasoline coming from the tail pipe. My suspicion was confirmed. Gasoline was mixing with the crankcase oil. The air filter and air filter box were dry. I changed the oil and...
  3. M

    Nikki carburetor 2019 Kawasaki Mule SX KAF400

    The aftermarket carburetor and OEM fuel pump have been installed. It's not the easiest job. I finished the installation and get ready to adjust the idle. I cranked and cranked and cranked. I know that I had everything right. I looked down and saw my vise-grips clamping off the fuel line. Big...
  4. M

    Steering Popping and cracking

    Have you jacked it up and manipulated the steering assembly by hand. I'm talking about getting down there and turning the front wheels by hand?
  5. M

    Nikki carburetor 2019 Kawasaki Mule SX KAF400

    I think that I will pick up an OEM fuel pump tomorrow. I may as well replace it while I'm in there.
  6. M

    Nikki carburetor 2019 Kawasaki Mule SX KAF400

    Yes. It seems to be working fine. It runs great after initial warm up.
  7. M

    Nikki carburetor 2019 Kawasaki Mule SX KAF400

    I did notice that the main jet in the kit is quite a bit smaller than the OEM jet. This thing has had problems since new. It's just gotten worse over time. I'm thinking that a new main jet and needle will cure the problem. Here's what I ordered. I see that Stens carries a similar product for...
  8. M

    Nikki carburetor 2019 Kawasaki Mule SX KAF400

    I wish that I could get a Walbro carburetor for this Kawasaki Mule. It's a 2019 Kawasaki Mule SX 4x2. I listed the engine above. Here's the kit that I plan on ordering. It's made in Japan and should work well.
  9. M

    Nikki carburetor 2019 Kawasaki Mule SX KAF400

    UPDATE The rich mixture problem continues. On cold soak starts, it will often flood. I have ordered a All Carb Chinese knockoff from Amazon. It's one of the more expensive offerings. I plan on installing it tomorrow. I also plan on rebuilding the OE Nikki carburetor for backup. I will give...