Recent content by MowerMark

  1. MowerMark

    New sod eight weeks ago developing light green patches and strange looking grass blades. What's wrong here?

    A Professor of Agriculture/Grasses/Weeds said the new sod must be removed immediately and new sod laid. I will not need to pay anything. He also said RoundUp not needed since spores have not yet formed, Wonder how the sod company will make certain this will not happen again. Off topic...
  2. MowerMark

    New sod eight weeks ago developing light green patches and strange looking grass blades. What's wrong here?

  3. MowerMark

    New sod eight weeks ago developing light green patches and strange looking grass blades. What's wrong here?

    Oooops! Wrong thread. This was a meant for. engine repair. The KEY is a small piece of metal which fits in slots (shaft and blade holder)
  4. MowerMark

    New sod eight weeks ago developing light green patches and strange looking grass blades. What's wrong here?

    Yes, RoundUp®. How does the KEY installed??? Does the curved part go in the shaft or into the collar?
  5. MowerMark

    New sod eight weeks ago developing light green patches and strange looking grass blades. What's wrong here?

    Soil test normal / good. Are these specimens normal grass?
  6. MowerMark

    New sod eight weeks ago developing light green patches and strange looking grass blades. What's wrong here?

    Eight weeks ago new rye-blue grass was professionally installed. The workers followed all the directions re: soil amendments, rototill, leveling, etc. It looked fine until after mowing >6 weeks after install. The sod was authentic and came directly and freshly from a well-known sod grower...
  7. MowerMark

    Where to purchase a new central bolt for a Honda HRR216VKA blades? Links please!

    There's a groove on the shaft and on the blade assembly. Looks like it needs a key. Anyone have a link to it? Is there also a spring needed?
  8. MowerMark

    Where to purchase a new central bolt for a Honda HRR216VKA blades? Links please!

    Thank you. What you stated is slightly above my pay grade. I read somewhere that Honda purposefully makes the bolt the weakest part to prevent any other damage. I have spare blades. Yes, this HRR2167VKA has upper and lower blades which is barely seen in the picture. This seems to be the...
  9. MowerMark

    Where to purchase a new central bolt for a Honda HRR216VKA blades? Links please!

    Hello. The blades hit a solid brick and the central bolt broke releasing the two blades. Very scary. See picture. I cannot find where to purchase a new bolt (? and washer) to reattach these two blades. Yes, the remains of the bolt will first need extraction. When I search websites for the...