Recent content by makromer

  1. M

    5 hp briggs won't spark

    The engine is a 130902. Is there an updated coil for it? If so, which one? Thanks
  2. M

    5 hp briggs won't spark

  3. M

    5 hp briggs won't spark

    This is an OLD Briggs. What coil should I get. I actually wondered about low voltage. Thanks for your help
  4. M

    5 hp briggs won't spark

    Have an old 5 hp briggs. Will not fire. Spark tester shows spark. Will not spark a plug. Have tried numerous plugs. replaced points and condenser. WTH?? Help
  5. M

    Flywheel key was broken. Timing off. Replaced the key and started on 3rd pull!! 15 cent fix.

    Flywheel key was broken. Timing off. Replaced the key and started on 3rd pull!! 15 cent fix.
  6. M

    Briggs and Stratton 725EX

    Yes. I'm at a total loss here
  7. M

    Briggs and Stratton 725EX

    My son has a Troy Bilt mowere with a Briggs 725EX. Stalled it will not start. Fires 1-4 times and won't run. Changed gas, carburetor and spark plug. Still won't run. HELP!