Recent content by l008com

  1. l008com

    Rough Idle - Dirty Carb or Something Worse?

    Ok update time. I unplugged the coil's ground line and started it up, no change in behavior. While I was at it, I also fully removed the muffler and started it up, just in case it was clogged internally in a way I couldn't see, no change in behavior. Except people a mile away could hear what I...
  2. l008com

    Rough Idle - Dirty Carb or Something Worse?

    Ok I found the ground wire for the coil and unplugged it. I put a little electrical tape on the coil side connector to make sure it doesn't try to arc over to the engine block. And I taped the wire to the plastic body of the mower so I don't loose it or melt it on the muffler. Its too late at...
  3. l008com

    Rough Idle - Dirty Carb or Something Worse?

    Where is this kill wire?
  4. l008com

    Rough Idle - Dirty Carb or Something Worse?

    The whole point of this project was to make a video where I fix up this machine and sell it. But I really don't want to sell a mower that I'm not confident is working properly. So I'm not really sure what I'll do at this point. I have my own much nicer mower, I have no need or desire to keep...
  5. l008com

    Rough Idle - Dirty Carb or Something Worse?

    This is really starting to drive me nuts. After cleaning the carb as thoroughly as I can, including soaking the jet in carb cleaner for a few minutes, then spraying out both ends of every hole with the stuff, and after cleaning the tank with soapy water for an hour, I let the machine sit for a...
  6. l008com

    Rough Idle - Dirty Carb or Something Worse?

    This has been an ongoing saga, I've already done all of those things at this point. Except testing compression, I still don't have a gauge. The machine isn't in that bad of shape probably because it's only 6 years old.
  7. l008com

    Rough Idle - Dirty Carb or Something Worse?

    Last night, I took the tank and carb off again. I soaked the jet in carb cleaner, then sprayed out all the holes and all of the bowl and body of the carb again. Then I put hot water and some dish soap in the tank and shook it vigorously. Repeat a bunch of times. Then flush with tap water for a...
  8. l008com

    Rough Idle - Dirty Carb or Something Worse?

    The rocker issue was just because I took the engine over off and didn't realize that removed the pressure holding the rocker on to the rods. So I'm just going to drain the fuel tank again, remove and clean the carb again, and see what happens. The fuel tank looked plenty clean to me, but maybe...
  9. l008com

    Rough Idle - Dirty Carb or Something Worse?

    I haven't had time to even try to start this machine yet. But I was sitting around yesterday and I realized that the rocker would have fallen off when I took the engine cover off. Meaning the rocker isn't the problem and I fully expect this thing to run like crap again once I try to start it up...
  10. l008com

    Rough Idle - Dirty Carb or Something Worse?

    Another thing I don't udnerstand. I was able to pull the cord and get the machine to fire a few times before it died again. If the intake vale is stuck closed because the rocker isn't touching it, how was the engine able to run at all? That doesn't make sense to me?
  11. l008com

    Rough Idle - Dirty Carb or Something Worse?

    So it felt like the set screws had loosened up a lot, even though I had tightened them good and snug with my T10. I re-tighten them after I readjusted them, squeezing as hard as I could with my T10 driver but no luck. Is there a trick to this? The first T10 (bit) I used snapped when I was trying...
  12. l008com

    Rough Idle - Dirty Carb or Something Worse?

    Ok I took the valve cover off and the problem became very clear. One of the rockers fell off. I was able to press down the valve by hand and snap it back in to place. But how did this happen in the first place I wonder? I did JUST adjust the valves, they seemed too tight, so by internet specs, I...