Recent content by Joed756

  1. J

    Where to buy OEM belts. I have a Troybilt TB 30 mower, model #13B726JD 023.

    So you get the parts from the lowest bidder rather than the place with happiest customers. Do you really think NAPA would stay in business selling inferior products? Nuff said, I'm out.
  2. J

    Where to buy OEM belts. I have a Troybilt TB 30 mower, model #13B726JD 023.

    Well, I've had some 50 or so years of success with NAPA belts. I don't thing Troy-Bilt uses any belts but those from the lowest bidder.
  3. J

    Where to buy OEM belts. I have a Troybilt TB 30 mower, model #13B726JD 023.

    NAPA is all over HI, you won't get OEM belts, but likely better ones.