I see this discussion in numerous places. I am retired now but ran a lawn service for years. We ran Scag Tiger Cat mowers with Kawasaki engines on them primarily. When I stared cutting back on my business a few years before I completely retired I had four. I always had them set up to run 3600...
I ran a Tiger Cat Scag with a 22 HP Kawasaki 2700 hours on the meter and on two different occasions the meter would stop working for a length of time. I estimate that 3000 hours would be conservative. It was still running and not using excessive oil when I sold it last year. The only reason I...
They take a pounding in the tensioners. We have had to replace all of them on my Tiger Cat. Some of them more than once. it is a 2014 with about 2500 hours on it.
I see numerous posts of people asking about mowers, cut quality ect. One conclusion I have come up with is area a person lives and grass being cut as one reason I see so many different conclusions on what is better. Down here where we live we cut tremendous amounts of Pensacola Bahia Grass on 14...
Are any of you guys running the new battery powered equipment commercially? I have been using a 58 Echo string trimmer for a while now. I bought my first one last August and it literally shocked me how good it was. I just bought a second one to have as a backup when I start up this spring. It...
I have a 58 volt Weedeater that will accept the PAS tools. Last week I used an edger on it for a while. I am amazed every time I use this thing at what it will do. I don't see me ever going back to gas powered equipment for weed eating, chainsaw, hedge trimmers and hand held blower. I have cut...
I have a Tiger Cat with a 52" deck that the sand has eaten alive. is there any place that any of you know of that one can purchase a new deck cheaper than from a dealer? The dealers want in the $1200 to $1300 range for just the deck with paint and decals. That is no bearings, spindles, or...
I bought a 58 volt chainsaw a few days ago. It came with the 4 OA battery. I was shocked and amazed at how it cut. That is incredible. I could not see where a homeowner or even a commercial guy would want a gas chainsaw over one of these.
I have other 58 volt Echo equipment with this battery...
I purchased a 58 volt Echo weedeater and a 58 volt hand held blower. I ran them for the first time today. It was amazing to me how much run time the trimmer had and how powerful it is.