Recent content by jacksnapper

  1. jacksnapper

    Snapper 28 rear engine coil

    Scrubcadet10 :OK I have turned the coil over . SPARK ! Tomorrow I'll get it out of the basement and fuel it for a road test. My thanks to all for the kind help . Jacksnapper
  2. jacksnapper

    Snapper 28 rear engine coil

    I tried the 398811 again with another new plug, no spark . The ground wire is NOT connected . I set the airgap with card stock at .009 inch . This coil is new from the box . "Made in China" Coil frame to ground terminal is 1.5 ohm and plug wire to coil frame is 5400 ohms . Thank you for the...
  3. jacksnapper

    Snapper 28 rear engine coil

    I had a 398811 part in my box O coils and tried it . Still no spark . This 398811 has no silver button along side the coil . Isn't that the 'Hall effect' trigger that is required since the engine has no point set ?
  4. jacksnapper

    Snapper 28 rear engine coil

    I cannot find the right ignition coil for this B&S engine . Secondary is open with ohmmeter. 190707-213101 engine . Number on coil is : UFE 16 . I have bought four coils in my search ! This has the trigger clipped on the side of the coil . Mower is 1985 complaints . Please help me......