Recent content by Hammermechanicman

  1. Hammermechanicman

    Extortion Attempt

    I have had an email associated with my audio consulting business for over 20 years. I constantly get bombarded with scam emails and marketing emails. At least 2 or 3 every day for years. Some of the scams are hilarious. The IRS with bad grammer threatening to take me to jail was a good one. Open...
  2. Hammermechanicman

    Extortion Attempt

    Well, i guess it was a good try. I thought you would fall for it. 🤫
  3. Hammermechanicman

    Kohler Courage 20---what beside main crank seal will quickly dump all oil from under engine?

    OIL FILTER. either missing the seal or wrong filter.
  4. Hammermechanicman

    Stihl Mowers

    Both of the local JD/Stihl dealers carry Ferris and not the Stihl mowers.