Recent content by Gord Baker

  1. G

    Briggs & Statton manuals?

    Thanks, that would be over $60 Canadian!
  2. G

    Briggs & Statton manuals?

    Please send me one for a JD X320. Thank You.
  3. G

    ZT48 XL Single click when starting

    If you have removed and cleaned the Negative cable where it attaches to the Frame and the other Battery cable ends, try to find a multi terminal connector near the Ignition switch. Open it and look for crusty greens and spray it with Electrical connector fluid. Carefully put it back together...
  4. G

    Poulan Pro PR241 Snow Thrower

    Please STUDY the Manual if you have one. Drain the Float bowl if you are able carefully replace it marking the Orientation if you do. Some bowls have an obvious drain. Snowblowers do not have air filters. Studies have shown there is no dust during snow events. Drain ALL the fuel out of the...
  5. G

    Predator 9500 Generator backfiring on shutdown.

    Let it come to an idle for a minute or so before shutting down.
  6. G

    Briggs 16 HP I/C

    I think you should leave the Engine alone.
  7. G


    Use 10W30 Full synthetic and don't think it to death. Follow Manufacturers recommendations when in doubt.