Recent content by glen1

  1. G

    Hard starting Tecumseh

    Thank You for the advice Rivets, I will check the choke plate on the carbureators. As for the valves, I think I'll be heading to the local mower shop. Thank You again.
  2. G

    Hard starting Tecumseh

    Hi, just got back. Engine tag has the following info...Model TVT691, Spec 600810B, Family 3TPXS.6912AA, DOM 0305FG0063, 691CC. I am unfamiliar with what all these numbers mean. I change oil and filter, plugs, and air filter which is the extent of my mechanical knowledge. Thanks in advance...
  3. G

    Hard starting Tecumseh

    Rivets, I will post the numbers as soon as I get home which should be Wed or Thur. Thanks.
  4. G

    Hard starting Tecumseh

    Hello, looking for advice. I have an older White LT 1650. It's an 18 HP Tecumseh engine. It is difficult to get started. Usually cranks and cranks before it starts. Once started it runs great. I've used it to cut my lawn since buying it new in 2003 and the past couple of summers I've had...