Recent content by Givey1982

  1. Givey1982

    Toro Super Recycler carburetor issue

    Well I appreciate those who tried to help. I found a carburetor that worked. If you notice I circled in RED the hole that was needed. No other carburetor had a hole here. They all have the hole on the left which doesn’t line up. I guess perseverance paid off
  2. Givey1982

    Toro Super Recycler carburetor issue

    No silver tag on the back. There is a place where one might have been in the last. Here are numbers off a metal plate on the left side. I can’t get the pic size small enough to post 122682 0192 E1 060424 FA
  3. Givey1982

    Toro Super Recycler carburetor issue

    I need a new carburetor for my 2006 Toro SR. My issue is that my SR (6.75hp B&S) has an oval air filter on the right side of the motor. None of the carbs I have bought (used part number from book) have a primer hole that lines up with the air filter adapter which is where the primer bulb is...