Recent content by Etbrown44

  1. Etbrown44

    Briggs v-twin wont stay running

    Once you verify fuel flow, if it still not right, I would invest in a $15 amazon carb. I know some guys here don't like them, but I've not had a single one fail in the past 15 years. No doubt you might sometimes get a bad one. Still worth a try.
  2. Etbrown44

    Tec AV520 no spark

    I suggest you back up a few steps. Judging a spark by feel is much too subjective. Get a $5 spark tester on amazon, set it on 10 or LM, and observe your spark. You hope for bright and blue, and it's best done in a dark environment. If you want to, do the same on your other motor and you will...