Recent content by dustin727

  1. dustin727

    Best for hills?

    I think I have decided on the x350. It will be more versatile as far as doing other things too. Another question I have is about deck size. 42 vs 48. Which would be better for uneven terrain, and would a larger deck help with balancing the machine. I have a little over an acre to cut, about 1/3...
  2. dustin727

    Best for hills?

    What about popping a wheelie and rolling backwards while going up the hill? Is that something to worry about with a lawn tractor?
  3. dustin727

    Best for hills?

    At the bottom of the hill is flat land. So I'm more worried about rolling than sliding down the hill. Would I be better off with a lawn tractor. Also I will probably change to more aggressive tire on either one I choose.
  4. dustin727

    Best for hills?

    I will be mowing from side to side. I'm not as worried about sliding as I am about tipping over sideways. I'm also not worried about tearing up the grass. I was thinking that maybe the zero turn would be wider and have a lower center of gravity, making it less likely to tip over. Am I wrong?
  5. dustin727

    Best for hills?

    I'm going to buy a new mower. I am trying to decide between a zero turn and a lawn tractor. I have a few pretty steep slopes, I will add pictures because I don't know what the angle is. I am trying to decide between z330m and x350. I will probably be mowing these slopes side to side, as...