Recent content by diplexer

  1. diplexer

    Briggs auto choke

    Not sure what linkages your referring to since it is the air vane that Yes, I pulled shroud and blew off all fins and cleaned all area (although they weren't really that crudded). Problem is engine starts right up but does not rev up quickly enough to let the air vane turn off choke when...
  2. diplexer

    Briggs auto choke

    Not sure what linkages you're referring to since it is the air vane that is connected to the choke.
  3. diplexer

    Briggs auto choke

    My problem is that my Briggs with the 725 EX engine and the air vane/thermostat auto choke system will not run with the choke spring attached. The engine starts first pull but choke will not open with the spring attached and just chokes out. If I remove that spring it starts right up if I...