Hello this is kind of the sequel to another post I made about a week ago regarding a predator 9500 generator backfiring on shutdown. I have been working on the unit for a family friend. He asked for a full service and a few repairs. One of his complaints was that the generator backfired on...
ok so I traced the wire wrong and the cable going to the solenoid actually goes over by the starter area up against the generator end. I hooked up my power probe even though I didn't know if it was supposed to be a 12v connection or not. and as you can see in the video both of the lower...
Oh I gotcha.. I was thinking it was ran off battery power like a normal system. Unfortunately its a pain to put multimeter leads on it because the connection is sealed all the way up into the front of the generator which is sealed off with glued foam... fun times lol. I will try to peel back...
I would agree with you about the immediate shutdown without backing down the revs to cause the backfiring... However, the customer stated that he had always shut it down that way and it only started backfiring a couple months ago... which suggests there is something else going on. Of course...
interesting... I forgot that carburetor had that on it. I know it wasn't seized at least because I remember moving the plunger up and down with my finger when I rebuilt that carburetor. However, is testing it as simple as pulling out from the carb and turning the power switch on/off and see if...
Hello, I have been working on a predator 9500 inverter generator for a family friend. He requested a full service along with a few small repairs. Customer was telling me that generator has been neglected, and oil hadn't been changed in a long time. The customer runs a concession business and...