Recent content by Davenj4f

  1. D

    Mower bogs down too much

    I kinda figured everything I've read. Just wanted to see if there were facts I hadn't thought of. Thanks for all the info. BTW, have 1500+ hours on mower.
  2. D

    Mower bogs down too much

    Thanks for the input. That's inline with what I hear. I guess I was looking for someone with a good reason not to go that route.
  3. D

    Mower bogs down too much

    At times, that's why I'm doing homework. Understand about costs. Just looking for facts to support decision. There are days when I cut some fields and orchards for 4-6 hours at a time. I have literally worn this mower out. Already replaced the deck.
  4. D

    Mower bogs down too much

    Still waiting on mower from dealer, will update when I get results. Should be this week. Meanwhile, have a question. Am considering getting the diesel model (2600?), and wonder how anyone who has one would rate it to the gas models ? Interested in does it have more power, etc...