Recent content by dad7432

  1. D

    Big Whoops! I added chain saw oil instead of 2-stroke to make up my gallon of 50:1 mix!

    Just dilute it in a bigger tank and run thru your mower or any other larger tank'ed engine. I have a 4 stroke outboard that I had to use as a premix disposal system.
  2. D

    Microsoft stopping support to Windows 10 today

    Windoz 11 won't work on my 7 year old Toshiba PC, which came with Win 8hate, which I manually updated to Windozed 10. Remember how much everyone hated 8? So I got 7 years of support out of a $700.00 machine. In 2020 My wife gave me a hardened water resistant Asus Chromebook, to use for working...
  3. D

    Well get ready for major price increases

    Please folks, let's at least get this right. The peanut farmer was Carter, and while he tried to balance the budget he never did. The actual last time that the budget was balanced and the debt declined was...... wait for it..... Clinton, with the help of a split Republican and Democratic...