Recent content by cruzenmike

  1. C

    2021 Radius X Blown Fuse

    Good news to report... I picked up my mower yesterday and was able to cut my entire lawn without a single fuse blowing. While there is still some "mystery" as to how and why I was experiencing this failure, it was still nice of Exmark to go out on a limb and replace the most expensive part in...
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    2021 Radius X Blown Fuse

    I called up to the dealer today and the Service Advisor said that he reached out to Exmark Corporate this morning because they were still scratching their heads as to what was going on with my machine. Exmark's Technical Support Team advised that they replace the electric PTO clutch. The Service...
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    2021 Radius X Blown Fuse

    Well, I got a call from the Dealership this morning and expected them to have an answer as to what was causing my Exmark to keep blowing the main fuse. Instead, I got "tell me what I gotta do to get this to blow a fuse." The Service Advisor sounded very frustrated, as I could tell from the...
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    2021 Radius X Blown Fuse

    Well, I dropped the Radius off at the dealership this morning to have them fix whatever is wrong with it. I ended up going through another 4 fuses before I was able to get it loaded onto my trailer. Here is what happened today: The first replacement fuse that I installed last night was able...
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    2021 Radius X Blown Fuse

    I only ended up cutting by back yard this evening when all of this happened but tomorrow before I get out to do the front yard, I will check everything over. I guess that I never really thought of a fuse being bad as I have only ever experienced them going after significant use. I do know that...
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    2021 Radius X Blown Fuse

    Hello all. Just took out my brand new Radius X 52" for the first time and 15 minutes into mowing it DIED. I removed the harness from the cover just under the battery and found the 15 amp fuse blown. There was no moisture or corrosion present, as there shouldn't be since it is brand new and...