Recent content by Bwcland

  1. Bwcland


    Anyone have the 4180 service manual for the instructions how to change the rubber insert bushing P# 4180 791 9303? Thank you.
  2. Bwcland


    Thank you much for the responses very helpful, really appreciate it. In reviewing our labor hours this FS131R machine has 5,283 hours on it. Yikes! No complaints, it has been a work horse and agree the brand makes reliable equipment. Up till now I’ve changed clutch 2x, few random parts and...
  3. Bwcland


    Hello, my wife and I use FS131R and FS240R heavily on the property we live on and work on. Wife uses FS131R more often and machine needs help. Machine purchased new few years ago and likely has couple thousand hours logged. Any advice or insight here great appreciated. Could a bent drive...