Recent content by Boomer49

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    Honda break in

    Honda has been building engines for a while. Most Hondas you get with a gas motor cost more than the competition. I have one simple question, why don't you just follow the directions they provide in he user manual. Honestly, why would they provide the manual for a new product, if they thought...
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    Can't Find Tire Leak

    I've used Stan's No Tube in car, motorcycle, and now bicycle tires. It doesn't cause rust and Amazon has given it a 4.7 based on almost 14,000 reviews. It needs to be reapplied about every 6 months, for a lawn mower tire like you described about 2 oz per tire. They have a small syringe kit with...
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    Removing the discharge chute- why not a locking nut?

    I live down below Tampa, Fla. and it's 56 degrees right now. Projected low tonight is 49 degrees. I grew up in Conn. and don't really miss the snow at all. Today reminds me why. I feel your pain.
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    Kohler Courage 20---what beside main crank seal will quickly dump all oil from under engine?

    Simplest solution for future consideration, replace son-in-law. 😏😁
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    This is from Briggs & Stratton " What is the best small engine or lawn mower gas? Fuel for your lawn mower or outdoor power equipment must meet these requirements: Clean and fresh - fuel can begin to deteriorate in as little as 30 days A minimum of 87 octane/87 Anti-Knock Index (AKI) / 91...
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    Craftsman DGS 6500 - clicks but won't start

    Did you test your battery? How old is the battery? If you have something like a "Battery & Bulbs + store" Or even a decent repair shop you can trust, take the battery in and get it tested. If any of your answers start with, "But I" a test is necessary. Many batteries are good for about a year...
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    How does CCs affect blade power and torque?

    I pulled this from online because it uses less words than I would. Maybe it will clarify things. "When it comes to measuring power output for a lawnmower engine, torque is often a more accurate measurement than horsepower. Let me explain why: Torque vs. Horsepower...
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    After having kept the machine in storage for a few months, it won't start

    I sort of cheated and got this online, it's stuff I know but it explains it with at least a thousand fewer words. It's from , " Engine Performance and Damage: The muffler not only reduces noise but also plays a crucial role in controlling exhaust flow and back pressure...
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    After having kept the machine in storage for a few months, it won't start

    Look at your carburetor, if it has a tiny metal cup on the bottom with a wire attached, take the plastic handle of a screwdriver and lightly tap the cup while turning the key. There's a small pin inside the cup that blocks gas to the carburetor. Turning the key magnetically opens that pin and...
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    Dead Mower

    Y'all were doing good, I was actually cheering you on, then you threw in a small dick comment. Oh yeah, pay attention to the correct spelling of the first word. All reflections on your 'intelligence'.
  12. B

    Front ZT Tire Flat

    I have a Toro 2013 4235 zero turn. The front tires are something like 7" with tubes. I use the following twice a year. I'm SW Fla. I never have flats and you don't have the mess that slime can sometimes make. It does require a removable vale stem...
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    Fuel Shut Off

    This question still looks open. The shutoff is designed to empty the carburetor, right. I would put the shutoff closer to it for a couple of reasons. 1st, most machines that have one built in, put it on the block up near the carburetor. That's what you're trying to empty. Why burn a bunch of gas...
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    Can't find 30W oil anywhere in my area, or on line.

    This is Amazon. Current as of 09/09/23...
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    Broken frame

    That option if available might get you a few more years than a jury-rig. I have a 2013 Toro 4235 that I've been very happy with. It sat for a week in about 16" of water from hurricane Ian. It was a pain removing the water from the engine, new starter, battery, brake control module and...