Recent content by Arkus55

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    Regulator voltage

    Thank you for all the comments and suggestions. I checked the stator output voltage with the rectifier connected as suggested. It read 40 Vac with the PTO engaged. So that is working correctly. I also checked the rectifier output again, still at 8 Vdc. So I decided to prove a theory and...
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    Regulator voltage

    I will definitely try that. I tested the stator with the rectifier disconnected. I assume you mean to back probe with the rectifier connected?
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    Regulator voltage

    Can you suggest the correct part number for this application then? Obviously going off the IPL is incorrect.
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    Regulator voltage

    Thanks for the suggestion. I have checked the voltage directly from the regulator with the same results. I also went through and rewired everything. The previous owner had bypassed all kill switches. So I have a new PTO switch, a push button (The old one was a toggle switch), and all new wiring.
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    Regulator voltage

    Yes, either the tri circuit or 9 amp regulated stator. That’s the question/issue. I can’t find anything about testing this circuit without a battery. I have verified the model number (see attached). But this system worked, until it didn’t. So trying to figure out the problem. My son just bought...
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    Regulator voltage

    The regulator is bolted directly to the engine. The input comes from the alternator.
  7. A

    Regulator voltage

    I have a B&S Vanguard engine 356776-3046-G1. It is installed on an old Scag SWZ 52" walk behind, pull start. I am having problems with the PTO clutch engagement. The PTO would engage at first. But if it was hot and shut off, it wouldn't engage again. Then it stopped working all together. I...