WE are LMF!


Lawn Addict
Feb 27, 2011
No matter how gargantuan the site that LMF is linked to, it will fail if it cannot sustain itself based on it's own merits. It'll always just be a 'me, too' site. But, it isn't that way.

It isn't who we are linked to as a site, it's not the administration. It's nothing more than a hot topic, with a good group to back it up. It is US. Every single one of us.....from 2 posts to 2,500 and everything in-between. WE ARE WHAT MAKES LMF WHAT IT IS.

Rarely do I do an "anthem" kind of post, but this site deserves it. I also belong to TBN. I didn't come from there. I just googled a couple questions, and kept getting this site, so I joined. I joined TBN (Tractor By Net) because of LMF. In the same time period, I have fewer than 50 posts on TBN. I have well over a thousand here. It's the community. I argue with some (or maybe most) of you, but I can't not be here. I like hanging out here that much. Sure, I have things to do outside. But, I'll keep my phone on me, and check LMF throughout the day, you can believe that!

So, if you're new, you DO add a lot to this site, and will add more as your personality fleshes itself out in this oddball family we have here. I encourage you to stay no matter how much someone (probably me) pisses you off. You can add to the site just by BEING HERE!!!!

I know absolutely nothing compared to KennyV, but I stay anyhow, and I post every day, and just talk. Sometimes it's unfriendly, but mostly, I just wanna say something. Don't you?

I know I got one particular extra-sarcastic response to what I said in my thread about reaching 1,000 posts. It was deserved - I am second only to JDgreen in sarcasm. I get it. But, I meant it - we are LMF. ALL OF US, and if not for this community, I would not have lasted a week.

So, no matter how new you are, realize there are people watching who are not members - and imagine them enjoying watching you interact with the rest of us. Then imagine them liking it to the point of joining in. We ALL make this site - so stand your ground, and stay around!


Staff member
May 4, 2010
Well said, twall! :thumbsup: It really is my honor to be the administrator of a forum that is offering people something of value in the way of advice, and perhaps just as important, offering a venue for a community to exist. I hope that as the forum continues to grow the dynamic of the community continues to shape itself into a place that is both fun and productive.

I've been down a similar albeit different road with TBN, as I started that site in 1998 and it took many, many years to grow. I can say that one member CAN make a difference, and that is why as the administrator I want to do my best to make sure everybody's voice is heard, all suggestions and concerns addressed, and we recognize and acknowledge the value of each and every member's contributions.

You are one of the few people who found LMF first and then joined TBN... I think it's great that you prefer LMF and I'm not biased... really! :biggrin:


Lawn Addict
Feb 27, 2011
I didn't mean to poo-poo you as admin, Muhammad. But, in all honesty - you are secondary to the group itself now, really. You have done a great job in tilling the soil for this group to grow in.....you've listened to us with prescision ears.....(except about the Murray forum :laughing:) and made this a great place for this to happen.

Like a father of humble living raising a child that rules the world - You can start something, but then it gets a life of its own. I thank you for the site, and thank you for what you do. I know it takes a lot of effort (especially with me AND JD around.....) to moderate and address issues, but you've done a great job. Also, the 'group' button - any progress on that? :laughing:

But, it is the group - every one - that makes the site. Wouldn't you agree?


Lawn Pro
May 5, 2010
From the oldest to the newest member I am always keen to see what anyone has to say...
AND twall you have a LOT of practical information that you add (with most of your posts)...
as a machinist you have a very good foundation to base your opinions on!

And it is still a credit to all the members that there still has not been a single thread that has been locked down, or forced off... congrats to all that have controlled their 'enthusiasm' & kept this a FUN and mostly civil place to be...
As I've said before ... it has been a fun year, I expect many more to come... :smile:KennyV


Lawn Addict
Mar 22, 2011
Any forum is only as good as the people participating in it.:cool: I join through an offer from TBN but stayed because of the knowlegde and experience of the people that are on LMF.:thumbsup:I read posts and offer my 2 cents when I think I can help someone.:2cents:


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2011
So, if you're new, you DO add a lot to this site, and will add more as your personality fleshes itself out in this oddball family we have here. I encourage you to stay no matter how much someone (probably me) pisses you off. You can add to the site just by BEING HERE!!!!

Whoa, wait a minute. I'm not sure I'm ready to claim any of you as family just yet. I haven't been here that long and don't know any of you that well.:laughing:

I agree though, any forum is only as good as its members, but the Admins have a necessary, and sometimes unenviable role to play also. We couldn't do it without them. I stumbled across the LMF when I googled lawnmower forum instead of lawncare forum, but I'm glad I made the booboo, otherwise I may never have found this valuable repository of lawnmower info.


Lawn Addict
May 14, 2010
Whoa, wait a minute. I'm not sure I'm ready to claim any of you as family just yet. I haven't been here that long and don't know any of you that well.:laughing:

I agree though, any forum is only as good as its members, but the Admins have a necessary, and sometimes unenviable role to play also. We couldn't do it without them. I stumbled across the LMF when I googled lawnmower forum instead of lawncare forum, but I'm glad I made the booboo, otherwise I may never have found this valuable repository of lawnmower info.

OH, COME ON NOW...anybody with the name of "ODDBALL" is a PERFECT FIT in the LMF family...:laughing::laughing:

I would say more, a lot more, but the resident grumpy old poop has too much to get done again outdoors today...so bye for now.

Sprinkler Buddy

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2011
"Power of the People, for the People"
:laughing: Just came to mind.


Lawn Addict
Jul 23, 2010
All for one and one for all. :wink:


Lawn Addict
Jul 23, 2010
Insert next cliche here__________.