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Troy Bilt Mower Bag w/no suction




The mower is about 2 years old, no complaints, just a mild blip in the radar,for the first 2 1/2 months of last season the suction was working and picking up the clippings then all of a sudden it STOPPED and it hasn't worked since and so far i have mowed my lawn 4x already and the bag has yet to work, i haven't hit anything,i'm the ONLY one who uses it, my wife takes care of the flowers, does a pretty good job to...LOL - i also just went out and bought a brand new blade yesterday , is there anything i'm doing wrong, is there something simple i can do to get the bag to work again ,because the clippings all over the lawn when i'm finished is awful looking, i hope this helps, thank you in advance, i appreciate it....:cool:

PS: It's a push self propelled mower ! !:smile:




Make sure the blade is on correctly, if not it wont pick up very well if at all. Thats my only idea:confused2:
