That time of year again. Mowed 5 times to date. Late last year during the 3rd year of the mower, I noticed the deck belt was severely ripped in two areas, each rip about 1 1/2" long. Mower had about 80 hours on it. Thought I knew the cause but evidently not. My new belt has about 20 hours on it and today I noticed one rip about the same size. There might be another but I didn't inspect it. The best I can describe it is the rip is along the side of the belt, not top / bottom. Technically, it would include top/bottom. The missing chunk is on the larger flat side going toward the narrower flat side (V-belt). As though I took a knife and carved out a large chunk from one side going toward the opposite side. About 1/2 the thickness is gone. Any ideas? Thanks. Hope everyone's doing well.