Hi guys, I'm new to this forum. I have a Homelite EZ auto chainsaw. (Made from 1969 to 1971). I rebuilt the carburetor but it will not idle. Adjusting the idle screw does nothing. It will run while giving it gas but dies when you let off the gas. I don't know what I did wrong. I was looking on line for a replacement carb but have had no luck in finding one. It has a walbro hdc carb. An online manual says it has a HDC 1 carb. On the carb itself it has HDC casted in the side with a number 4 stamped into to it. I have looked at numerous carbs on ebay and amazon but none look exactly like this one. This only has 1 gas inlet tube. A lot of pictures have 2 inlets. I suppose the other one is for a primer but I'm not sure. Does anyone have any idea why the chainsaw won't idle, or where I can get a new carburetor? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Considering that the carb is 45 years old what did you expect.
Now a carb is a carb is a carb.
So just like you can swap your old Linkbert for a 4 barrel Webber you can fit a different carb that goes on a 50cc to 70cc engine.
Nothing will drop directly in so it comes down to a labour of love cause going through boxes of used carbs to find one that will line up takes a very long time.
As a service technician I have to charge for my time and need to get some sort of renumeration for multiple hours spent looking for something that will line up.
Most of the carbs have the same mounting centers so that is the easy bit.
Next is finding one where the impulse ports line up.
Once you have done that you then will have to make up custom linkages for the throttle & choke.
And just so you know, no carb has 2 inlets most have an inlet and an outlet.
The previous owner never threw anything out so I inherited a 5 gal drum full of old carbs.
After 5 years That has become 8 smaller drums of sorted carbs and 3 times I have needed to go into them to find something like a throttle rod to swap into a new carb so it will fit the power head.
I allow customers to go through them for free if they want an old part.
Most give up after the first hour or so.