The engine is way overkill of that mower if it has a deck under 50"
The 100 series came out with a 12 Hp engine and that has just gotten bigger with every model upgrade .
Like all small engines , it is hit & miss because you don't know how the mower has been treated and if the owner is telling you the truth.
There is an old bloke up the road a bit who does horrid bodges to make old mowers run then sells them off because he is " down sizing to a smaller lot & no longer needs it ", he was selling mowers like that 12 years ago and currently has 3 for sale, one each on Face Ache, GumTree ( like Craigs list ) & Trading Post .
Another old bodger has a deal with a scrappie to resurrect old mowers bought as scrap and they are even worse .
His selling line is "cleaning out the old shed prior to subdivision " and that is the sort of thing he does .
Several customers made the mistake of buying one of his anchient junk piles with all sorts of horrid bodges .
A 2014 mower is 19 years old and with 150 hours that is ≈ 8 hrs a year
A 1/4 acre block would do at least 20 hrs a year .
So something does not add up .