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  1. S

    Engine Surges/Falters Under Load

    Thanks for your help Rivets. The reason I'm pretty sure I don't have an original carb is cause I ordered Tecumseh #631021 rebuild kit. When I dis-assemble my carb, it does not have a rubber seat in the needle hole. Instead where the seat should sit is just solid metal and the needle itself...
  2. S

    Engine Surges/Falters Under Load

    Well, if anyone's still reading this, somehow I remain alive. Buried under more snow than I've ever seen in my life here in Buffalo and that's saying something. Remember that whole, "once things slow down for you" comment? Yeah, well, Mount SkiFletch here pictured at the end will offer some...
  3. S

    Engine Surges/Falters Under Load

    Hey all, have a 10hp Tecumseh HM100 engine off a John Deere Snowblower that's giving me some trouble. As winter is coming and Lake Erie is giving me that leery look, I did my usual maintenance on the snowblower. Checked belts, changed spark plug, replaced oil, added fresh gas, and even removed...