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  1. W

    Repairs Toro SS3200 - Something Funny Going On With Brake Actuator

    I have a 2011 or 2012 Toro SS3200 zero-turn mower. Out of the blue, something happened and I can't figure out what's going on. First, the battery was dead after I had used the mower a week before, when the battery seemed to be fine. After charging the battery, the mower started just fine...
  2. W

    Which Toro Zero Turn?

    I've been mowing my 1/2-acre residential lot with a number of self-propelled 21" rear bagger/mulching Toros for years, and while it does a great job and the exercise doesn't hurt me, I would like to be able to save time and allow for other recreational pursuits after work (it doesn't help that...