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  1. cpurvis

    Courage cracked block

    The bad news is, even using the proper process, not all aluminum alloys are weldable. Two that come to mind are 7075 and 2024. The good news is, the aluminum alloys used in lawnmower engines are. Tig and Mig welding both work for welding aluminum.
  2. cpurvis

    Valve Spring Compressor

    I'm a slow learner but people have trained me to not loan out tools. They've come back spattered with paint, bent, broken or in some cases, like the 3" belt sander that nobody remembers borrowing, not at all.
  3. cpurvis

    Tiger Cat running on one cylinder

    That will depend on how hot the engine has gotten. Have you kept the cylinder fins clean? If the engine overheats, the valve guides tend to loosen and work their way out of the head. Eventually they move so far that the rocker arm hits them resulting in a bent or broken push rod and the valve...
  4. cpurvis

    K141 overall valve lengths question

    Have you done this before? Have the seats been replaced? It's been a long time since I did any valve seats, but it wasn't a simple process back then. The process I followed included a mandrel to guide the stones, three different angle stones and a power tool to spin the stones. There was...
  5. cpurvis

    Business question

    All you need is a calculator to do what I suggested; it's from Econ 101---fixed costs divided by per unit profit. This is something someone needs to do BEFORE starting a business to get an idea of whether the business is even feasible at all.
  6. cpurvis

    Business question

    I haven't read all six pages, so if someone else has said this, I apologize. Before you do anything, add up all the FIXED annual expenses you will have--rent, utilities, taxes, insurance, etc.. Then divide this number by the average amount of gross profit you will have on each unit you repair...
  7. cpurvis

    35hp Vanguard wrecks battery

    Maybe. Do you have a voltmeter? Check the voltage at the battery with the engine running at full speed and auger engaged. Should be higher than 12.7 but less than 14.5 or so. If it's in the range, the regulator is working.
  8. cpurvis

    What is acceptable?

    I've used everything from kerosene (#1 diesel; same thing) to brake cleaner.
  9. cpurvis

    Husqvarna help

    Take the spark plug out and turn it over a few times. I think you've got oil or gas in the cylinder and it's hydro locked.
  10. cpurvis

    Kohler Engine Oil Filter

    I don't know if this is still the case, but at one time Fram spin-ons were the #1 counterfeited filter. Genuine Fram filters were probably nowhere near as bad but you couldn't tell if you bought a real Fram unless you cut it open. I use Baldwin a lot. They are very good filters and many times...
  11. cpurvis

    Alternative oil other than Brigss and stratton

    That's called 'backward compatibility' and it used to be true. Recently, it became un-true and the API rating, if more recent that the manufacturer's recommended API rating may NOT meet the requirements. This is driven by oil companies having to meet ever more stringent emissions requirements...
  12. cpurvis

    I'm about done with Partstree.

    Mine got compromised in a restaurant that I'd never been in and I had possession of the card when it happened. That suggests to me that the restaurant workers were in on the scam. How they got my credit card number is a mystery to me unless it was via one of those gas pump skimmers or...
  13. cpurvis

    I'm about done with Partstree.

    Someone managed to charge $100+ worth of food to my credit card, without having the card--I had it the entire time. But all it took was one phone call to the CC company and they took it off, told me to shred the card, and they sent a new one. FedEx delivered it and just threw it on the floor...
  14. cpurvis

    air in fuel lines

    Priming methods for diesel engines vary all over the place. I'm not familiar with the Kubota engine in your Grasshopper but I can share with you the instructions in the manual for my Kubota L3000. The only difference I'm aware of is that yours has two fuel filters whereas mine has only one...
  15. cpurvis

    air in fuel lines

    There is nothing to stop that from happening. That is not your problem. The problem is your injection pump is not getting fuel or the system isn't bled correctly OR your injection pump is faulty.
  16. cpurvis

    Preferred Method for changing oil

    The Pela 6000 will do every mower and vehicle I have except two (Dodge Cummins and Ford Ranger V6) and it would do the Cummins if I chose to fill it twice. It leaves about a quart in the Ranger due to dipstick placement but that isn't the Pela's fault; Ford had a better idea.
  17. cpurvis

    CC LT50 cutting in reverse

    Most of all, it saves wear and tear on your PTO clutch. But, do be safe! Be aware of what is around you at all times!
  18. cpurvis

    Briggs and Stratton 3hp piston ring question I NEED HELP!!!

    When is the last time this engine ran?
  19. cpurvis

    Your most unorganized tool drawer

    I consider a Kennedy tool box and cabinet the most useful "tools" I ever bought. I once drew an unpleasant assignment of overhauling fairly complex pieces of machinery. Lots of them. I was assigned the "mechanics" I was to use, of which none were mechanics or had much mechanical aptitude at...
  20. cpurvis

    air in fuel lines

    The air in that clear tube is a symptom, not a cause. It's the return line to the tank, returning fuel the injection pump does not need. When the injection pump isn't getting the fuel it needs, there is nothing to return to the tank. Are you sure your tank isn't loaded with contaminants that...
  21. cpurvis

    Preferred Method for changing oil

    I like the extraction pump method if the drain plug, if it even has one, isn't conveniently located. Best if the oil is warm and you can tip the mower ever so slightly in the direction that makes the oil drain toward the place where the suction hose is. There is no mess made this way. I think...
  22. cpurvis

    Briggs and Stratton 3hp piston ring question I NEED HELP!!!

    The clearance is so that the valves can seat completely. If the tappets never touch the valves, the valves will remain shut ALL the time, no matter where you turn the crankshaft. Is this the situation you're describing?
  23. cpurvis

    Chainsaw leaking chain oil

    Chainsaws with automatic oilers use crankcase pressure to pressurize the oil tank and force oil to the chain. I have found that when I'm finished with the saw, if I loosen the oil fill plug to allow pressure to escape, then tighten it, it reduces--does not eliminate--the amount of oil that...
  24. cpurvis

    Repairman needed

    Bite the bullet.
  25. cpurvis

    Repair Kubota

    Usually when a diesel dies from fuel exhaustion, there is no restarting it until you re-prime the system. Did you re-prime after changing the fuel filter?
  26. cpurvis

    725ex won't start

    Did you try a few restarts after you got it running? Sometimes all they need is a "jump" start of fuel in the carb throat and then they're OK. Hang on to your old carburetor. I'd buy a kit for it before buying a Chinese carburetor.
  27. cpurvis

    Spring time... Should I dig into the engine to clean it, replace some things, etc.?

    The only thing you need to take off is the fan housing and clean the cylinder fins with compressed air. Replace the air filter and spark plug. Change the oil. Sharpen and balance the blade. That's all I ever do.
  28. cpurvis

    Briggs and Stratton 3hp piston ring question I NEED HELP!!!

    If you've never had an engine apart, that means this engine is still assembled? In that case, how do you know the engine needs rings? My advice is to make sure you know what parts you need before you buy any. In this case, if you've never rebuilt an engine, it will be unlikely that you'll...
  29. cpurvis

    serial number

    I'd just take the blade with me to a place that sells blades. They can match it up.
  30. cpurvis

    Briggs Engine series, Alloy Vs Steel deck.

    I agree with tom3. Alloy deck, cast iron sleeve.
  31. cpurvis

    Kawasaki Air Cleaner

    Buddy is too modest. He has fitted his Kawasaki engine with the best filtering system of all, a large pleated-paper air filter, complete with restriction indicator to show the operator how dirty the filter element has become. I would love to have this same system on my engine. But I don't, so...
  32. cpurvis

    Expert Advice

    Do you take raw food to a restaurant and ask them to cook it for you? If you are 'no mechanic' why did you buy the new PTO clutch? Part of the mechanic's income comes from the markup on parts. If you were to ask me to use the parts you brought in, I would figure the markup and add that to the...
  33. cpurvis

    CH23 bogs down and dies when engaging pto

    Gotcha. Bert, please disregard my comment.
  34. cpurvis

    CH23 bogs down and dies when engaging pto

    Have to disagree with this statement. Governors work to maintain an rpm, whether than means slowing down or speeding up.
  35. cpurvis

    CH23 bogs down and dies when engaging pto

    The carburetors on small engines do not have anything like the accelerator pump found on carbureted auto engines. Theh purpose of that pump was to increase the mixture richness when the throttle is opened suddenly. When you engage the PTO, this places a load on the engine that the governor...
  36. cpurvis

    Hydro Oil Question

    Can you point out the API Service Grade where this change occurred? The same thing happened to diesel motor oil when the API Service Grade went to CK-4; CK-4 oil has been found to not meet the specifications of previous Service Grade (CJ-4). Ford issued the following statement...
  37. cpurvis

    Gravely Promaster 44Z informational question

    Because I have better tools for that job, including a strap wrench.
  38. cpurvis

    Gravely Promaster 44Z informational question

    I would not use that kind of wrench to tighten a spin-on filter. Removal would be OK because you're done with that filter but I wouldn't use it on a new filter. Hand tight should be sufficient.
  39. cpurvis

    cub cadet is running very slow but Engine is good

    #1 This thread is almost nine years old and the OP stated that he has already received a message from Cub Cadet how to fix the problem. 2# The autogear Cub Cadets (2000 Series) are horizontal engine, shaft drive. There is no drive belt or pulleys.
  40. cpurvis

    Longevity of Scag Mowers

    Giving up on the oil so soon? It's only got 12 years on it...
  41. cpurvis

    JD F735 burning oil

    What I'm trying to tell you is to use the dipstick to tell when the crankcase is full. 1. Drain the oil 2. Replace the oil filter 3. Fill the crankcase to the 'full' mark on the dipstick 4. Start the engine and run for a few minutes, check for leaks 5. Re-check the oil level; fill to...
  42. cpurvis

    JD F735 burning oil

    Be careful. Diesels can, and will, run on crankcase oil and you have no control over the rpm generated. Lots of diesel engines have been destroyed by inhaling their own lube oil. Unless you are certain that the dipstick is the wrong one, I'd go by the dipstick, not a quantity specified in a...
  43. cpurvis

    JD F735 burning oil

    The oil you're using is fine. All diesel oils are very high detergent, having TBN's of 15 or so. If there is gunk to clean out, they will do it; that's why they turn black so quickly. I would not put that transmission seal saver in the engine. Mow with it for 20-30 hours, changing the oil...
  44. cpurvis

    z430 injection pump

    You've got to bleed the injectors, too.
  45. cpurvis

    z430 injection pump

    Why did you decide to do this? What were you trying to accomplish? You didn't mention anything about bleeding the system after re-installing the injection pump.
  46. cpurvis

    I need a new grease gun to use for my Scag

    For ease of use, get two--one with a flex hose and pistol grip; the other with the rigid tube and lever handle. Don't buy cheap grease, either, or you'll have oil leaking out of the grease guns. Mobil 1 synthetic grease doesn't leak but it costs about 4x as much as cheap grease. edit to add...
  47. cpurvis

    worn out engine?

    Unburned oil in the exhaust not uncommon for two cycle engines, especially if the fuel/oil mixture contains more oil than the manufacturer recommends.
  48. cpurvis

    Symptoms of a faulty pressure relief system on K301 Kohler

    I guess we were just lucky because we had one of those 'rare' failures but on a 10 hp Kohler. I didn't say the valve lash wasn't adjustable, just that it is a PITA compared to an OHV engine.
  49. cpurvis

    Symptoms of a faulty pressure relief system on K301 Kohler

    As shown in the manual Rivets cited, the compression release is part of the camshaft assembly. This is a flathead engine and valve lash is not something that is easily adjusted. It could be something as simple as a broken spring on the compression release, but you'll have to perform an autopsy...
  50. cpurvis

    Tiger Cat 2 Hydraulic filter number

    I used the manufacturer's filter number to cross reference to a Wix. Then I ordered the Wix from Rock Auto. $31.16 for two Wix filters, delivered.