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  1. cpurvis

    Broken shaft on flywheel, JD D105.

    A very abrupt stop of the engine. There may be more damage than what you see in the photo.
  2. cpurvis

    lgt 2654 with broken frame?

    Try welding it first. You can always resort to Plan B if that doesn't work. Have your welder strengthen it with a gusset.
  3. cpurvis

    Chainsaw won't fire

    It's possible to put in too much gas. Try a new spark plug.
  4. cpurvis

    Jonsered Blade

    It looks as if you've been mowing soupy mud. Mowers don't like that. If you want your mower to last a long time, the less of that you do, the higher your chances will be for a long-lived mower.
  5. cpurvis

    Diesel starts then dies

    Diesels need two things to run--enough compression to heat air above the ignition point of diesel fuel and a correctly timed injection of fuel. Barring an internal mechanical failure of valves, pistons, etc., compression will not be an issue, especially to an engine that was already running...
  6. cpurvis

    Is this Toro GTS a 2-stroke?

    It's a 2-cycle. I've got one just like it. I wish they were still made.
  7. cpurvis

    Failed Attempt to Adjust Valves on Kawasaki FD750D Water Cooled Engine

    Finding TDC is completely unnecessary and from the description given by the OP, that's exactly what he did--he found TDC, except it was the wrong one.
  8. cpurvis

    New Guy Looking for Mower Advice

    Get something with a horizontal shaft engine. They'll live longer, especially if operated on slopes.
  9. cpurvis


    I would take that article with a grain of salt. For instance: "Diesel mower saves 700 gallons of fuel every day, and it saves money for the long term. " and "Cummins engines have a displacement of 2.8 to 95 liters. " 700 gallons saved per day? It must be the 95 liter engine.
  10. cpurvis

    This problem has been discussed at length in either the Grasshopper forum or Kubota forum. It's...

    This problem has been discussed at length in either the Grasshopper forum or Kubota forum. It's a fuel starvation problem. Go over there and read about it or re-post your problem there. If you had a fuel pressure gauge, it would NOT look good.
  11. cpurvis

    Testing Spark Plugs Using An Ohmmeter

    I'm not. I never got the A&P or IA (inspector) license a real aircraft mechanic is required to have. I did a lot of work on airplanes, both other people's and my own, but all my work had to be inspected and signed off by an A&P or IA. That was during college and once I graduated, I moved...
  12. cpurvis

    Testing Spark Plugs Using An Ohmmeter

    When I was in college, I worked PT for a guy who owned a fleet of WWII bombers, patrol planes, and freighters (Douglas A/B-26, Lockheed PV-2, R5D, and Douglas DC-7) used as air tankers. Most had either the P&W R2800 or R2000; the -7's had R3350's. IIRC, the bottom cylinders used dual wire...
  13. cpurvis

    Testing Spark Plugs Using An Ohmmeter

    Must've had an impulse coupling.
  14. cpurvis

    It's Offical. Briggs files Chapter 11.

    For some companies, there's good money in going broke. The virus is a convenient excuse. I was unaware that it stunted the growth of grass.
  15. cpurvis

    Testing Spark Plugs Using An Ohmmeter

    Grounding the plug and looking for spark is more of a verification that the ignition system is working.. There are a lot of pure garbage videos on youtube. In most cases, you have to already know what you're doing to be able recognize garbage when you see it.
  16. cpurvis

    Deck Belt comes off on Initial engagement of PTO

    Are you engaging the mower at one of the extremes of its cutting height? If so, find the height where the pulleys are as close as they get to being in the same plane and engage the mower there, then raise or lower it to the cutting height you want..
  17. cpurvis

    C C tank 60” with a 27 horse Command loses power once you engage the Blades

    A friend's Kawasaki-powered Gravely did the same thing. It was a bent pushrod. The engine was only running on one cylinder.
  18. cpurvis

    Failed Attempt to Adjust Valves on Kawasaki FD750D Water Cooled Engine

    EOIC (Exhaust Opening, Intake Closing) Method of Adjusting Solid Lifter Valve Clearances 1. Remove the valve cover(s). 2. Identify the intake and exhaust valves. You have to know which is which. 3..Determine which direction the crankshaft turns when the engine is running. You do not have...
  19. cpurvis

    Blade cutting edge.

    If you know how fast the mower travels and how fast the blades spin, you can figure out the 'advance ratio' aka how far the mower advances for each half revolution of the blade. I'm betting it will be less than the sharpened portion of your blades. For instance, a blade spinning 3600 rpm on a...
  20. cpurvis

    Needing help on a price

    If you itemize your taxes, you can donate the mower to a charity and deduct that amount from your income. They typically are pretty generous on the declared value.
  21. cpurvis


    Did it do this before you adjusted the valves?
  22. cpurvis

    Craftsman LT1000 - hit something, now won't crank

    Make sure you turned off the mower PTO switch if it has one.
  23. cpurvis

    What are some reasons for my single cylinder not idling down after its warm?

    If the idle speed screw is not touching its stop, there is a problem in the linkage. Maybe missing a spring or hooked up incorrectly?
  24. cpurvis

    A web page is slowing down your browser

    I have not noticed being locked out of anything.
  25. cpurvis

    Who runs E10 fuel?

    I only use E0 in small engines, not vehicles. If any of the vehicles were seldom used, it would get E0 as well. I've never said it's cheaper to run from a direct operating cost standpoint. But if it weren't for subsidies, it would cost more and if they ever remove the subsidies from ethanol...
  26. cpurvis

    A web page is slowing down your browser

    bert, rivets, hammer et al--I understand the frustration. I run Firefox 77.0.1 64-bit. I assume this is the latest version because it updates itself. I also run Adblock Plus. Right now, it's showing 19 things being blocked. The time between banners varies a lot. This morning, I haven't...
  27. cpurvis

    A web page is slowing down your browser

    Advertising is the root of all evil.
  28. cpurvis

    Help removing drive pulley key

    For future reference, you would want to heat the pulley, not the crank. Heating the crankshaft would make it bigger, exactly the opposite of what you want.
  29. cpurvis

    Replaced Camshaft, STILL won't start

    By rotating the crank and watching the valves. The exhaust valve should just be closing and the intake valve starting to open when the piston is at top dead center.
  30. cpurvis

    Asking Members Questions Via Profile Posts

    Seeing more and more of this lately. If you have a question pertaining to a thread, please ask that question in the thread, not by contacting members directly. That way more people can see the question and see the answer. Also, a differnt member might be able answer it. Thanks.
  31. cpurvis

    You would be better off to ask your question in the thread which you're discussing. That way...

    You would be better off to ask your question in the thread which you're discussing. That way others can learn, too.
  32. cpurvis

    Help removing drive pulley key

    Why is the pulley still on the crank? Get it off, then go buy a new key.
  33. cpurvis

    A web page is slowing down your browser

    Right now ABP shows 21 ads being blocked. A sampling of other sites I use show from 1 up to 7. This site is being bombarded with ads.
  34. cpurvis

    Stabil for Gasoline Storage?

    It depends on how full the station tank was when the tanker started to unload. But how many times have you pulled into a station to fill up and the tanker just left?
  35. cpurvis

    Powermate generator only runs for a few min, low oil sensor?

    I had a low oil sensor problem on a 10 hp horizontal shaft Tecumseh. Even though it showed it was full of oil, it needed a little more to be happy.
  36. cpurvis

    Stabil for Gasoline Storage?

    Buy non-ethanol gas for your mowers and other small engines. If that isn't possible, use the ethanol fuel in your car and don't refill the can until lawn mower gas is needed again.
  37. cpurvis

    Good evening to all

    Have him bring it over and give it a try.
  38. cpurvis

    A web page is slowing down your browser

    Yes. I haven't gotten it yet today but yesterday it was common.
  39. cpurvis

    Replaced Camshaft, STILL won't start

    .06? Do you mean .006 (inches)?
  40. cpurvis

    Kawasaki FS730V - new mower - engine issues...

    I'm with Tom--let Kubota fix it. Also agree with his diagnosis--fuel starvation.
  41. cpurvis

    Can’t post a reply

    This was typed into the box at the end of comments. Widows 10, Firefox.
  42. cpurvis

    Kawasaki FR691V cam lobes with ball bearing

    Could the muffler have gotten oil in it?
  43. cpurvis

    Stabil for Gasoline Storage?

    I have a roto tiller which sat for over ten years with gas in the tank. I dumped a small amount of gas down the throat of the carb and it started right up. Best advice is to just use non-ethanol gas in your small engines. FWIW, most additives are 'kerosene.' If it says 'petroleum distillates'...
  44. cpurvis

    Kawasaki FR691V cam lobes with ball bearing

    Thanks, bert.
  45. cpurvis

    Kawasaki FR691V cam lobes with ball bearing

    I doubt it. When you took the cover off, did you have to 'disengage' the fingers? I would think so, because the governor has to be able to pull as well as push the linkage to the throttle shaft unless either the 'push' or 'pull' is taken care of by a spring or something similar.
  46. cpurvis

    Dixie Chopper gas tank use imbalance

    Gas cap vent.
  47. cpurvis

    At wit's end!!

    Now you know why the replacement carburetor was so inexpensive. If you still have the old one, rebuild it.
  48. cpurvis

    Kawasaki FR691V cam lobes with ball bearing

    I can't say that I understand the Kawasaki compression release. At all. But like any engine with a functioning compression release, the numbers you obtain with a compression tester are suspect. They should be LOWER than expected, though, not higher. If there is a lot of oil in the cylinder...
  49. cpurvis

    Kawasaki FR691V cam lobes with ball bearing

    No, the valve guide moves by itself.
  50. cpurvis

    Kawasaki FR691V cam lobes with ball bearing

    The Kawasaki shroud is very easy to remove to clean the fins. I use a leaf blower on the engine and mower every time I use it. I leave the engine running and blow down through the screen. And I still remove the shroud about every 25 hours to make sure nothing remains in there.