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  1. BillH2

    Toro Blades

    Over the years I have helped my father in law with his mower, he always used a Craftsman. (Wore out 3 of them) I got pretty good at sharpening the blades using a bench grinder. Now that I have my own Toro, I switched the OEM blades with a set of Gator blades. I got about 6 mowings on the Toro...
  2. BillH2


    I haven't been able to mow for the last 30 years because of horrific allergies. Present situation means either I do it, pay to have it done or it doesn't get done. (we paid the guy who used to do the lawn around the house over $1300.00 pr year) Does anyone else on the forum suffer from this? I...
  3. BillH2

    New MX5060 Owner

    Took delivery of shiny new MX5060. (Unlike some family members, I plan on keeping it looking shiny new) Reading the manual, I have some questions: Oil Change. Manual calls for straight weight oil? This area sees temps in the 90's to low 100's during the summer. Toro says use 40W. What's...
  4. BillH2

    Need Advice on A Mower Purchase

    I find myself with newly acquired 1.5 Acres of lawn to mow and I need the appropriate mower. The lawn is flat and fairly open, (3 trees). I have decided on a zero turn model with the idea of using it around the house also. Here is what I have looked at so far: A Hustler Fastrak 60" A John...