Recent content by ZO6ZOOM

  1. Z

    Cheetah II Hydro Pump Drive Belt Failure

    Here’s the pictures they attached to my invoice. It does look like a rusty pulley and some corrosion on the aluminum. They say in their comments to scrape the deck after every mow. Does anybody really scrape their deck underneath after every time they mow? I would think a high-end lawnmower...
  2. Z

    Cheetah II Hydro Pump Drive Belt Failure

    They attached some black and white pictures of the pulleys showing corrosion and said it was acting like sandpaper on the belt. They replaced all the drive pulleys and a new belt. I probably should of asked to see the old pulleys but I didn't.
  3. Z

    Cheetah II Hydro Pump Drive Belt Failure

    The second dealer. They were the ones who fixed it.