I am in the middle of rebuilding a Hydro Gear EZT 2200. Left side, out of a Husqvarna RZ5424. It started going out around 90 hours, but was out of the 3 year warranty by a couple of months. I mow 2 flat acres and knowing what I know now would have bought something with a 2800. The Husqvarna tractor itself is a very nice well built unit, and I opted for the Kawasaki engine. I bought a new one (so it was claimed) and it isn't perfect, but I can get the job done. It overheats after about 10 minutes and I suspect the fluid is contaminated. I read that these are sealed maintenance free, but found a rebuild manual from Hydro Gear. I printed it out, and bought a seals kit and internal filter for it ~$40. I figured if it is shot and if I do nothing with it and at worst I threw away $40, but could save a lot of money, plus it might be fun. I am hoping to find some people who have had these apart at least and who have re-built them possibly.
So far, I think I made a good decision, the gears, shafts, and all critical components look great. The oil doesn't look too bad. The one problem, and a good one I think, is the filter. It seemed to be full of aluminum dust. What I think and hope is that the "center section" that the filter bolts to was just poorly cast and/or poorly machined. It looks rough, and I suspect that in my first 90 hours, the oil moving through the pump has collected and transplanted enough aluminum dust into the filter that now the transmission of power is not possible. I don't have it exactly in my head how this thing works yet, so who knows. Once I started noticing issues with it, it was only about 10 hours later and it now has no power. This is not the issue with good power when its cold either.
So, does this sound reasonable to anyone in the know? What else should I really look at while I have it apart? I don't see any scoring or broken/chipped gears in there, but I haven't cleaned it all up yet either. I haven't read these forum rules yet, but do have pictures I could post if that is possible and would help any.
So far, I think I made a good decision, the gears, shafts, and all critical components look great. The oil doesn't look too bad. The one problem, and a good one I think, is the filter. It seemed to be full of aluminum dust. What I think and hope is that the "center section" that the filter bolts to was just poorly cast and/or poorly machined. It looks rough, and I suspect that in my first 90 hours, the oil moving through the pump has collected and transplanted enough aluminum dust into the filter that now the transmission of power is not possible. I don't have it exactly in my head how this thing works yet, so who knows. Once I started noticing issues with it, it was only about 10 hours later and it now has no power. This is not the issue with good power when its cold either.
So, does this sound reasonable to anyone in the know? What else should I really look at while I have it apart? I don't see any scoring or broken/chipped gears in there, but I haven't cleaned it all up yet either. I haven't read these forum rules yet, but do have pictures I could post if that is possible and would help any.